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What does lie ahead though? Why am I so bullish on Jewball’s future? Well, I once again look at our League Champions. The Birds of Pray. Listen, you never know when a Jewballer will just up and disappear from the scene. We have seen it a hundred times. A few seasons and gone forever. But I look at the Birds roster and I see youth and loyalty and a hunger for Jewball. I see In Both. In All. And I see that in no shinier an example than their captain, Sholom “Pray” Prager. He well knows….I was skeptical at the beginning. I’d seen the flashy QB who could outrun everyone (usually due to youth) dozens of times. Sure, they have an arm….but that doesn’t make them a QB. He came into the league last year on fire, making the previously invincible Yaron seem mortal. It was jarring for us, and certainly for Yaron. But – and he claims it was due to some kind of broken hand – he fell off in the second half. The arm strength wasn’t there. The picks came. I honestly wasn’t sure if he was a QB or a WR.

But the summer came and went and Corona numbers went down and it seemed that we would have a Jewball season. The kid shows up to Rabin’s sukkah and just pounds like 8 bags of wings. Rabin’s wife starts planning his Bar Mitzvah, and the rest is history. Listen, I don’t love young/old jokes – as Beast always say – we don’t talk about age (because then we think about it)….we just play until we can’t. But, I still need to give Pray credit for being a leader beyond his years.

Do I even need to get to the numbers? Forget leading his team to the League Championship. That is an accomplishment outside of this particular equation. He accumulated 3 Jewballs this season (could have been more, but it was getting silly how dominant he was). Above that….Leads Jewball in TDs thrown and rushing TDs. And if you think he only produces on one side of the ball….he also has the most interceptions and P6s. And if all this were not enough….ughhhh…..he is an extremely humble, hard-working, fair and honest person…..who somehow is also passionate about the game and highly competitive. At the risk of over-effusiveness and creating an ego where there seems to be none – if Rabin and I created a Jewball MVP in a lab (or made a deal with the devil) so as to give Jewball a long-term bright future – the result would look like Pray. Pray, it is with both awe and gratitude that I present to you – by the powers invested in me as Recap writer – the Jewball 2020-2021 Season MVP. I see many more of these in your future, with God’s help. Amen.