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Who is the MVP? Are they an accumulation of stats? Someone to write about in recaps? Just a body of talent? The answer is not a clear yes. The MVP may have stats, mentions, and talents, but they are more than that. They are the players who wake up knowing they need to step up. They are the player who does not stop when the play isn’t happening next to them. They are the players who chase the ball down and fight for it. They don’t give up when they’re down and they don’t let down when they’re up. They are team players and make the team play better. They know it’s not all on them but they take the responsibility and lead their team. They set the precedent for how one should play while they themselves strive to raise the bar. 

Do stats tell the story? No, and we all know this. How much of football happens between the stats? The blocks, the runs, the catches, the defense, the pressure, the battles, the strategy, the routes, and the list goes on and on. 

Do recaps tell you all you need to know? Of course not, but they are awesome stories that we pride ourselves in and enjoy for decades. Our recaps are epic literature bringing our culture and love for the games from season to season. It is a time to hear poetry of our efforts and there are lessons to be learned and places to be earned. It doesn’t include every detail, but what it recalled and written is more than impressive coming from a distant sideline or from a player with his mind in the game and feet on the field. 

Is it just talent? No, but it helps. We have had players with talent who get too full of themselves and trip over their egos. We have had talent come down but never take the time and put in the work to acclimate to our game. We have had talent come and take from the team instead of giving. Talent that is squandered thinking they need to be a star or play a specific position out of pride. Players that do not know what it means to be a part of Jewball and for Jewball to be a part of them. 

So who is our MVP? Yes he has stats, yes he was in the recap, and of course he has talent. The MVP’s game told a bigger story than stats and contributed more than the recap can tell. He played to his talents, but did not get in his own way. He let others shine, but they ultimately casted their light on to the most valuable player on the field. While many are great we can only choose one each season. Who will be this year’s MVP?
