Welcome back Jewball 2019-2020!

credit intro to Jordan

Jewballers, unite! Arise and awaken! The 2019-2020 season is upon us. Personally speaking, my 19th consecutive WEEK 1, praise be to the weekend warrior gods. The beauty of this season – and, granted, we have been here before (though not often) is that I really dont need to hype it that much. I dont need to pull out the aggressive sales pitch or market this from a low leverage position. Quite the opposite. 2019-2020 Jewball may be our most anticipated yet. Probably not, cuz the golden age had its rabid excitement as well – but let’s go with it. Let’s go with this era being the comeback that surpasses all prior incarnations. Let’s go with this being the season that will define the future of our game and bring about the redemption and usher is into a transcendence never before imagined. The biggest difference being….in a word…Yaron. sure, we can say the website and all the new players, but I’ll just give Yaron the credit he is due. Our well deserved optimism is a product of his efforts and there is nothing more we can do to say thank you than 1.) Show up 2.) Show up ON TIME (cuz, we do not need to tolerate your diva behavior – there are 5 guys who want your spot) 3.) Play like you mean it (again, we want competitive games above all – if you cant cut it, someone else is ready to try) 4.) Bring positive energy to our game. You know what I mean. Whether to the chat, on the field, or on the street – be someone who raises the quality of the Jewball experience. Keep the chat tight. Also keep an eye on the website for Stats and updates and lists of who is in each week. I’m guessing that we will have a lot of people in which means double headers. Double headers means you get a guaranteed one game a week. If you say both, and don’t get both, that does not mean I messed up. Finally, I know we have new guys and I am the LAST person to be stubborn and hold on to the past over the future, but – provided that they still can play the game at a level that makes our games good – I will have to give spots to vets over rookies (if each sign up basically on time). Meaning, if 14 vets sign up today but 3 rookies signed up before 3 of the 14 vets, I’m not gonna lock out a guy who has played for 5 years…I cant do that. That’s why we will have the double headers. To make sure eveyone gets a game. 
Enough with the technical $#!&. Jewball is back! Life is good! Nothing like games that mean something. And now with stats and awards being back as well, the excitement level is amped. Away we go. The stories of 2019-2020 are about to be written. What will they say? What will they say about you? Pages are empty. Blank slates for all of us. It’s on you. It’s on me. Let’s do this. Who wants Week 1?