Week 9 Recap – KUTS JEWBALL

game 1

Hard to believe that only a few days ago it was sunny and nearly 60 degrees as we played Week 9. As we approach Week 10, we do not know if there will even be game – because the snow might freeze. What a difference a few days makes.
While I only caught the end of Game 1, which involved a furious comeback by Rabin’s team on the shoulders of Mighty – I was provided with some highlights. Seems that Rabin started typically slow. Dude loves that first play Pick 6. He is a master deflater, but he also has a penchant for comebacks. So, he went textbook to start the game, drawing up a P6 to Goldberg on the first play of the game. Legend has it he threw picks on his first three possessions. Each leading to a score. When it was 3 nothing, Rabin felt ready to mount the improbable comeback – or at least give his team some hope. Naturally, it started with a screen to Mighty with Singer lead blocking and Mighty racing 70 yards to make it 3-1. Goldberg then made his argument for Jewball a bit louder by picking another ball and returning it for a score. 4-1.
Rabin went back into his bag of tricks and tossed the ball to Mighty on the screen, resulting in a 90 yard score. 4-2.
After Gronk and Kut hooked up for a 20 yard pass and 60 yard run to extend the lead, Mighty went off – two back to back P6s. Beastmode has nothing on Ratmode. 5-4.
Rabin faked the screen to Mighty and Singer lead blocking – which everyone of course fell for – but….he throws deep to Singer for a catch and run, 85 yards to tie it up. 5-5.
Rabin partially makes up for the opening play debacle by preserving the comeback tie – Gronk had the win lined up with a 4th and Goal from the ten, but Rabin came up with the sack.
No Jewball for anyone, but Rabin said Mighty had the best game in Jewball history. So there’s that.
This Recap – preserves my word – that I would get a Recap by 11:59 pm today. #lawyer.
Sorry, Bron.

game 2

There was a lot of dark in the Jewball Dark Ages. Our cast regulars seemed to retire all at once. Our talent migrated to Degel, or Croton, of the league, or whatever you want to call it. The weather was harsh and miserable week in and out. Jewball was dying and no one seemed to care. I admit – I lost faith. Rabin never did. Daveo certainly did not. Watching Daveo and Rabin try so passionately and desperately to revive the game – to pound the chest of the corpse – I could watch anymore! I took another stab at it….Tabak brought some guys…Oren brought Yaron….the rest is history.

Chanukah just ended. Although Prime did well to explain the essence of the holiday as Jews love donuts…and that does say it all – there is that other element of Chanukah- which is…..celebrating how powerful a little light in the darkness can be. Now, I don’t want to miss any names here, but during our Dark Age, when another fading game joined ours – we met Kut and we met Tom. MK joined a little later. Tom had some big games early on – he seemed like a keeper. Kut….I wasn’t sure. Wore a Lions jersey. We all know that wearing an NFL Jersey to play pick up football is not a good sign. He wasn’t in the best shape. He kept pulling knishes out of his underwear to snack midgame. Except for the Knish thing….I’d seen his type before. Physical guy and enjoys the game….but…y’know….it’s a love affair that burns out quickly. Also, as I mentioned- the weather was terrible, the games were pretty low quality, and the sign ups were unreliable. I kept sending out emails….and like clockwork – Tom was in, Kut was in. I cannot describe what kind of encouragement those two gave me during that time. Quality guys who wanted to be a part of us. But I thought of Tom as a football player and Kut as a….body. Obviously, I’m writing this to set up the Jewball. But also how wrong I was. And I wasn’t wrong because I misinterpreted the criteria before my eyes. I was wrong because I had no idea what was going inside of Kut. What kind of machine he is from a psychological standpoint. I way underestimated the stuff he is made of. He has SO. MANY. TALENTS. This is why when we all think of the heart of Jewball, we think of Kut. He has transformed himself into a player who can do it all. And it’s no magic. He is working hard. Training. Putting in the hours to evolve and improve physically and mentally. And he does it with such humility and intelligence. It is no coincidence that Kut FINALLY gets his Jewball at our Chanukah game. Because no one represents a candle lit during dark time that should have gone out long ago….but it continues to burn – and not just burn, but rage with the brightest of flames – with no signs of dimming.

Week 9 of Game 2 was supposed to have a few challenges to see who got spots – but Gronk played soccer…I think and Vegh took his spot. Salem dropped and more important than anything we are with him all the way. Maor also needed out. Legs was a maybe but he jumped in – maybe a bad idea….not sure if the injury was inevitable. The sum of all this canceling was that Prime and Courtney were able to take more donuts.

Another outcome was Rabin would face-off against Yaron. Yaron in Blue and Rabin in White for this Maccabowl.

Opening play of the game Yaron sends Jordan right up the middle and Yaron makes a real QB throw, putting the ball over the top leading Jordan who is battling Ivry for position. Jordan reaches up with his right hand and manages to pull the ball into his chest as he falls forward. A nice opening play and Jordan needed it to comfort him later in the evening. A few plays later, Yaron calls the reverse…and although Jordan and Ross execute it real ugly, Ross is fast and elusive and no one can wrap him up. He scores. 1-0 Blue. I don’t remember the order of the next few scores, but I know Rabin was doing himself no favors. His deep ball in Game 2 was non existent. Ross picked him 3 times and I think the only reason he didn’t pick the 4th was he felt bad. One of them he ran in for a score. Another Yaron punched in with Goldberg. Looked like it was gonna be a rout. That’s when Jordan started sucking. A dump to Ivry and missed flag by Jordan lead to big yards. Then Prime punched Jordan in the throat and turned short yards into a TD. A bit later Ivry also got by Jordan and scored. At this point Kut, who was bringing pressure at the line and tracking people down on the short passes when the rest of his team was failing, turned to us and said “Do I have to do everything?” Turned out….he did. Because on offense…Jordan kept the good times rolling by dropping a magnificent deep ball thrown on a fly route. Perfect placement on a full speed go route…..a ball I dream of….and I let it fall. So Kut takes a short pass and runs 85 yards to score. 4-2 Blue. Ivry then continued to show why he may be a future star in this game. Making catches in heavy traffic and evading defenders….racking up many yards on his way to a 3 score day. Rabin is ecstatic because he has now mounted his second improbable comeback of the day. But, Yaron never lost an confidence. He kind of knew he had the game if he wanted it and that he had taken his foot off the gas a bit. Lucky for him, Kut had mad gas. Boom….another 80 yard catch run. The guy is moving nicely nowadays. You can’t sleep on Kut. He has a motor. Yaron takes the lead and keeps it. Game is capped perfectly by a gorgeous over the top pass to Eddie down the sideline. Eddie tips it but maintains his concentration and brings it in. Beautiful hook up between a masterful QB and a receiver he trusts.

I am honored to present Kut his first Jewball. But more than that – I am eternally grateful.