It truly is the most wonderful time of the year for Jewball. Every year, within a twelve day span, we have six games of Jewball. 4 regular season games – which this year was increased by unforeseen circumstances – and 2 Bowl Games. Now, although the Bowl Games don’t “count” for stats and don’t always get recaps – they are extremely important. Why? Because Sundays are business. We come out – we have work to do – we do that work. Bowl Games are holidays. They are both getting together with the family on milestone days in the calendar – and also about making a statement: When we have a day off….and even if it’s cold…and even if we went out late the night before – my COMMITMENT is to my Jewball brothers and to myself becoming a better player – dare I say a better person. Jewball teaches you much about your physical self, but every game is also a clinic in humanity. And what makes us better people than hating on and cursing out people we love?
The season continues with Week 10 this coming Sunday. Halfway mark. Much football to come.
So, Week 9 was special. I apologize again for locking out the early game before opening it up, but with Snow and Jesus in from out of town – I knew that some spots were already taken, so figured to make it a Vets Rooks game. We will have the usual end of season Vets Rook Game sometime in late February or March…and that will of course be open to everyone.
This Mid-Season Vets Rooks Game was billed to be a major showdown. MVP 2012 v. MVP  2018. All Stars v. Future Stars. On paper, it was a loaded game. The Vets had MVP, Steveo, Daveo, Jordan, Mighty, Singer, PJs, Jesus, and Kut. That’s a formidable lineup. But…Vets always need to show that they can overcome time (injuries, aches, slowness). The Rooks were a powerhouse as well: Yaron, Pringle, Mo, Beast, Zada, Logan, and MK. Tough to say on paper who had the edge. There was definitely an electricity leading up to the game and it was felt on the field before the game. I can’t speak for everyone on the field, but the Vets are a proud people and we really wanted to pull this one out – for us and for all the Vets before us. No one likes Rooks.
Daveo and Storm canceled late so both teams lost a high-motor guy, but both teams had enough talent to win and no excuses.
The Vets got their first on a deep out to Steveo. As he is apt to do, Steveo makes the catch and winds his way through traffic – goes 47 yards and Vets are up 1-0. The lead held for a while. Mighty picked a ball soon after and the Vets had some reason to believe. However, it was a tricky game. Neither team was moving the ball particularly well. And for good reason. There was a lot of talent on the field. Munch and Kut were all over Yaron. And Beast and MK were all over Snow. Snow also had the disadvantage of being on the rusty side. He likely has played in more big games than any of us, but it has been a while. The calm and confidence was there, but the long ball was not. The Rookie defense knew that they could stay at home and just smother the underneath stuff. When passes were long, Zada was there every time to run interference and make sure nothing damaging happened. On the Vets side, Mighty was a terror in the middle of the field and eating up Yaron’s patented screens.
Soon enough Yaron found something that worked. And it worked well – twice. That would be a deep jump ball to Mo down the left sideline. Steveo had great coverage, but Mo is a young leaper and he has good hands. Twice in a fifteen minute span, Mo put up points with Yaron and the Rooks took the lead. The Vets had a chance to tie things up after a Jesus pick. Singer nearly pulled one in but he took a hit while he was trying to secure the ball and it fell to the turf. It was around this time that Singer was getting shaken up – and although of course he soldiered through the entire game, he was clearly in some pain and pushing himself. With ten minutes left, Snow put together a drive that kept the Vets alive – using his famous Singer to Mighty hook and ladder on a 4th and long. A few plays later, Jordan ran one in, but it was called back on an illegal block call by Logan. A play later – there was a clear score – this time to Singer. And, as MVP said, if that is the final TD pass of his career (and we hope it isn’t!), it is a perfect endnote. Snow to Singer is a legendary combination in the leagues around these parts – they have been an unstoppable force for decades. And you can say you were there when. More importantly than that melodrama, the Vets had life with a few minutes left. And as they were pumped up….they lowered the boom on Yaron on took over on downs. With 80 yards to go and the potential to win if they scored…Snow throws one just a bit too high and it was tipped by hi receiver….and….picked by Prager – who runs like a fiend. He catches and bolts for the endzone. And scores. Rooks break the hearts of all Jewball fans and defeat the Vets. MVP of affair is Zada for the defensive prowess.

Game 2 was the opposite of Game 1. It was an non-competitive disaster. We ended up having to play 3 games just to make it tolerable (re-started twice). Was a good time. With good people. But Prager has his team humming and Mo had his team bumbling. Just one of those days, Mo. Prager won the first two games 4-0 each. Switch sides and won 3-1. Quite the day for the man known as Pringle. Jewball to him.
Who wants WEEK 10?