Week 8 Recap

Week 8 Recap
There will be blood. And it will be flowing from Zada’s nose, and eventually from Munch’s. T’was the morning before Chanukah and all down the field, Prager was driving, but Yaron would not yield. It was another head to head match up to start the day between Yaron’s smug talents and Prager’s I Will Break You Intensity. I’m gonna call Prager, Drago. Like Gronk before him who just channeled the big kid from the Pats – every time I see  Prager – I see Dolph Lundgren in his prime, ready to take on Yaron’s Rocky. (It also means Dragon which is a cool nickname). And it really is Rocky v. Drago every Sunday morning at 8am. May it continue for many years.
Before there was blood, there was an opening drive where Yaron took the ball, but did not score. If memory serves, Prager drove well and eventually Zada caught a screen and put a nice spin move on Jordan to score first. Yaron and Jordan hooked up for a 70 yard bobble and circus catch miracle to get the ball down field and Ari capped it off with a score. Tie game. A few plays later Zada got hit in the face…and…we have a bleeder! What started as trickle became a river and the dude was legit choking on it. How do I know? Cuz he and I spent much time on the sidelines together. I did pop back in to pick a ball which lead to another Yaron to Ari scoring hookup. 2-1 Yaron over Drago. Meanwhile on defends, Munch was getting angry. His team (Yaron’s team – Dark) was failing to pull flags, and Prager, MK, Mo…basically anyone who got the ball was able to run for first downs and scores. Yaron, running more than usual, kept the chains moving and took a few to the house with his legs as well. Was a back and forth tight game throughout. I think Sam caught one in the endzone! Somewhere in the mix, Ari put up his 3rd TD of the morning. I don’t remember who scored the winning TD for Yaron, but I’m gonna say Prime, cuz he had a nice idea making sideline grabs. Yaron beats Drago in a tight contest. Jewball to Ari for the 3 scores – and the last 2 were in really tiny windows so props to Yaron for zipping em in and Ari for the concentration.
Game 2 needs some help. We will get there. We had 5 QBs in the game, but our starters were Pants and Rabin. Rabin came out looking good – was throwing a good ball. Found Jordan down the sideline early on to go up 1-0. Pants was having a lot of trouble – seemingly in the huddle and on break. First 4 possessions resulted in no points and 2 turnovers. Rabin kept plugging away. One problem for Pants and Dark was that they lost Brad early on to ankle. Jordan was back to the sideline. Was that kind of day. Effie also sustained something and had to go. As in all sports, injuries change the dynamic and hard for game to recover the level it should be at. Game 2 was a 6 on 6 for most of the way. But the story of Game 2 is easy to tell. Rabin was up 5-1 with a half hour left. Yaron took over at QB and put up a quick point. On the next two possessions from the 5 yard line, Rabin – and I kid you not! – threw picks directly at Yaron which Yaron ran a few steps into the endzone. Before Colors could blink, it was 5-4. Not everything was Rabin’s fault. I think Salem bobbled one in the endzone again that was picked. That score might have been enough to keep the game from Yaron, but – give that arrogant pos credit – he doesn’t stop. And so, yes, he ties it up. With ten minutes left, Dobs catches one over the middle and he could go all the way…he does. Rabin can breathe…Colors has the lead again. There is a 3rd and long and Rabin can win the game if Yaron fails to convert….but Prime gets behind the zone somehow and Yaron has life. And that life turns into a last second TD. Tie game again! In sudden death OT, the tandem that started it all finishes it off. In really good coverage, but really bad ball awareness, Dobs doesn’t see the floating ball come at Ari – Ari makes the adjustment and reals it in. Game over. Comeback of the season. Yaron over Rabin. 7-6.