Week 7 Recap

When The Oracle created Jewball in the early to mid-90s he never imagined or could have dreamed that one day he would leave something called a “chat” because someone named “Yaron” posted a “selfie,” while wearing a surgical mask due to a pandemic, of two mating llamas. But here we are in 2020.

When Yoni Paritsky left the field after some game in 2013 – probably a Vets Rooks affair that he lost, in his Dolphins Marino jersey – same as it ever was – we likely said….see you next season…..never imagining or dreaming it would be seven years later that he would return. Why the break? Why so long? Who knows why these things happen. Mental blocks. Age. Injury. Fear of injury. Intimidation by age. Family obligations. All of the above. We will all be tested by such things. How do we respond to the test?

I judge Yoni harshly for the 7 years he missed – and his absence was likely the primary cause of the Dark Ages – but I also commend him for coming back yesterday. I commend Rabin for being our link to the Oracle, and Yoni, and Ivry and Sting. From the original game to what we do now. And for dragging Yoni back to the field. I wish I could fully process what it means to he catching passes from Marino again….as I did so many times for so many years – but…funny….when the game starts…it’s just football. The side plots become irrelevant. The background and atmosphere fade to black- you gotta play the game, execute….get that W – and hang an L on the opponent. 

It was a slow start for Marino and Colors in Week 7. Jordan and Ivry colliding. A sack. A pick. Very confused defensive scheming. Did you say Ivry??? He is not even supposed to be in the game. Right, so Colors was a bit of a roster mess as the game began. Legs was seemingly a no-show and Beast was not at all recovered from a leg injury sustained toward the end of his stunning QB performance from Friday. When Legs did show it came with a great attitude and determination but also a slew of debilitating back spasms….forcing him to the sidelines. So….fair or not….Munch stuck around to take reps for Beast. And Ivry stuck around to essentially play for Legs. Once that lineup was set….Colors did get into a better flow. However, back to the game….Yaron took full advantage in the early going. Hooking up early and often with Strom in the endzone (STAT!). Before Marino could even get acclimated to Jewball again, he was looking at 3-0 deficit. But, the fact is and always is….talent cannot be denied. Marino is a Quarter. Back. Seven years is a long time but his programming is see the field, see the defense, run the huddle, believe in the W. His MO has always been calm and commanding leader – and I think- even with the hiccups and picks – his team felt like we were in good hands. Because when the arm showed itself, we knew it was only a matter of time. The comeback begins with a bomb over the defense down the left sideline. Pray reaches up and the ball falls in just out of the reach of everyone else accept the man who had himself a day! Catch and run 40 yards to get Colors on the board. 3-1. Now, with Munch and Rabin permanently installed as the pass rush, Yaron was off balance. But this is no great excuse for what happened next. Yes, the pressure was intensified, but Dark just collapsed for about 45 minutes straight. Storm and Prime are dropping sure TDs. Yaron is overthrowing wide open men in the endzone. Pray is jumping routes like a demon….picking 3 off Yaron. 2 of em returned for TDs. Add to that Yoni and Jordan rekindling some of that old magic for 2 scores….and when the dust settled…..it was 5-4 with Colors on top. The great comeback is nearly complete, but there is 20 minutes on the clock. I believe that is when a sack of Yoni followed by a Goldberg P6 at the 5 tied the game. A real heartbreaking play. Yoni did bounce back to score one more with Pray making it 6-5. In a moment where Marino could have put the game away a few possessions later, he hit Ivry on a beautiful out. The ball zipped right between the receiver and the line…and Ivry makes the catch, but one foot in…no score. Daveo makes a catch then at the 5 and doesn’t get in. Dark defense stood up Colors and it made all the difference.

On the next possession Yaron was picked by Jordan which could have ended the game, but it was agreed to go 1 and 1 to extend what had been a phenomenal back and forth contest. With the ball at the 30, Colors had a great opportunity to win the game emphatically and ice the huge welcome back win for Marino. Colors had two lucky breaks on the drive when Sting knocked away a sure pick from Storm and on the very next play when Prime purposely knocked down a pick in the endzone thinking it was 4th when it was 3rd. But, even with those reprieves, Marino went heart over head and after pumping it in to Rabin to get halfway there, he overthrew to Rabin on 4th down and Yaron took over. He executed a nice drive using slants to Goldberg, which had been an effective tool most of the game. Tom, playing D both ways had 3 near picks which could have saved/ruined the game for his team (depending how you look at it). He had one of those almosts on this final drive….but Yaron survived. Even with the injury….he scrambles for a big 1st down. All Colors has to do is make the stop and secure a hard fought win…..but they cannot. Yaron deep to Sting. The big man corals the ball and keeps his feet in. TD Dark! The game is tied. Pray loses out on a Jewball.