Week 6 – Recap

Not that our Week 6 games were particularly forgettable, but the chronicles of Jewball and our collective memory will remember Week 6 as another game (and the first in the “modern” era) where we switched fields mid-game. It happened about fifteen minutes into Games 1 and the transition took about fifteen minutes. As both games were just getting started at LHS – which had received reports that the soccer guys were hibernating and would not be playing in Venmo Arena for the remainder of the season – a different kind of soccer guy approached. Turns out, at 9am there would be a permitted game – Inwood v. Glen Cove. I guess wasn’t meant to be. But two cool things happened as a result. The first was that Zada and PJs were proven right and your Commish was proven wrong. We should have started at HHS. No good reason to trust in J. The second bonus prize was the incredible synergy and electricity as we packed up quickly, rolled out, rolled over, rolled in, and set up quickly to get the games going again. It was an energy in Jewball that felt so authentic to our roots. Getting kicked off a field and remaining resilient – wandering and then surviving – is an important element of who we are and where we come from. It’s that fortitude which both keeps us hungry and humble. Obviously, I would prefer our games not to be moved mid-game generally, but once every few years – it’s not the worst thing.
For Game 1A – Yaron v. Dachs – we will gain a PJ’s perspective shortly. That game already had points on the board at LHS. Perla v. Zinn – Game 1B – was scoreless at 8:30 am when it restarted at HHS.
While over on field 1A it was a battle of the premiere QBs, 1B was a matchup of two QBs thrust into their roles due to unpredictable plot twists. With Gronk and Pray on the sidelines this season (so far), Jewball was desperate for QB help. The Jewball Gods send us Perla – and his evolution is being watched carefully. We are also sent Zinn….who – seems to be able to do it all. Now, he is not a QB. He doesn’t want to be one. He is a WR. But, he has an arm like no other and he probably can become a great QB if he made that his major.
The theme of the day for Zinn’s team was drops. Some were just stupid – like mine, but most were a result of his abilities. What I mean is…..he throws harder than any other Jewball QB ever has. His fastball is like we have never seen. Katzenstein and Yaron could sling and if they whipped it to you on a slant – they had no mercy. It requires above average hands to catch what they were throwing. Zinn’s ball gets on you quick and powerful, and if you aren’t ready for it – I mean both mentally and physically – it’s gonna sail through or bounce off you. He’s the kind of QB that will force you to raise your game.
Perla, is different. He throws a pretty light ball. Can’t bomb it, but has some range. While Ziinn shoots bullets, Perla often lofts water balloons. Zinn lined up with Mighty, Oppen, Jordan, Dobs, Steveo, Oppen, and Tom. Perla huddled with Solo, Rook, Waldo, Legs, Stella/Daveo, and Zada. 
Perla’s reputation as someone who “can’t go deep” worked to his advantage a number of times throughout the game, but the first of which was on an early scoring drive. On 3rd and goal, with no one lined up on Jordan’s side, Jordan took the chance and blitzed along with the D line. Zinn was playing a short safety once again assuming that Perla could not go over the top. So what does he do? He evades Jordan (who should have had the sack) and he lofts one up to the vacated side….over Zinn…and into the waiting arm’s of Waldo. 1-0 Perla and Waldo begins to have himself a day.
Jordan’s sh**y day continued with the drop of a high fly ball that glanced off his fingertips behind the defense. Would have been good yards. A play later, a Zinn pass to Mighty over the middle gets tipped and goes up almost as high as the previous pass to Jordan and Waldo snags it from the sky. Although it did not result in a score, it was another stat for Waldo.  From there, the game went back and forth. Although one could argue that a game full of drops, errant throws, and long huddles surely makes for a “bad” game, this in fact was a good one. Guys were locked in and playing to win. It never got out of hand and both teams felt that their fortunes could turn at any moment. It went back and forth – although at a glacial pace. Zinn, Mighty, and Oppen lead their squad. Zinn picking up every first down needed. Oppen pressuring Perla (3 sacks) and Mighty capping off the drives with scores. Angry Mighty made an appearance and immediately put up points. Angry Mighty is a great player. It was a good thing I got him angry by siding with Perla on a 1st down call. It was the classic situation where Mighty pulled the flag on one side of the 1st down and Perla was standing on the other. I know our rule is for 1st downs it is where the flag puller is standing. However, in this situation it was clear – at least to me – that the pull happened after the crossing. Mighty for sure did not move and was before the line, but Perla had already crossed. Regardless, Mighty went off afterward. After Tabak left and Daveo replaced him, Daveo made an impact. In a play, very similar to Waldo’s score…..the defense presumed Perla would throw shallow, and cheated up….Daveo went over the top, Perla got enough on it to throw beyond the safety….and Perla was up again. Using the same formula (Zinn runs and a Mighty catch and run) the game was tied. Steveo had two opportunities to score at the end to win the game for Zinn but Zinn’s missiles proved too potent to harness.
The game went into OT with a one and one chance for each team from the 20. Perla had first shot and from the 20 threw a rainbow to Waldo in the corner of the endzone. Zinn got over, leaped, with full extension….and the ball still arched over him. Jordan was the last line of defense. He too jumped and caused interference, but it was Waldo with the concentration and the up and the hands….he comes down with the ball and spikes it in celebration. With the chance to lose or tie, Zinn again finds Steveo in the endzone, but the pass is at the risk of Steveo’s life running directly into a goal post and he bails on the play. Zinn gets another chance this time locating Mighty in the back of the endzone…and the ball looks true and Mighty is no dropper.  But Waldo want’s to be in on everything on this Week 6…so he gets in on the action and has his second pick of the day. And with that, Zinn’s losing streak continues and Perla gets a reprieve as he wins the game. Jewball to Waldo for being that guy on Sunday and – as I’m writing this post his TBI appearance – just a lot of love and appreciation your way, bro. Thanks for being here.
Now…I give you….PJs…
A PJ’s perspective…..

What a Sunday for football, a little rain and 2 games at the same time. Even at our old stomping grounds in Lawrence. And a game featuring Jewballs 2 best QB’s in Dachs and Yaron. Yaron is one of the reasons Jewball has aged like wine. He has helped the game evolve and brought in new talent like Dachs. Dachs doesn’t need a recap praising him, but his accuracy is something to appreciate. Dachs brings a Iittle I’m too cool for Jewball attitude, similar to Mighty but is slowly learning to appreciate what we do here. One other praise is that Dachs consistency spreads the ball around. Something that all QB’s have not learned yet. It’s what makes Gronk great and what has made Dachs look like an MVP candidate. Dachs lines up with Munch, Dax, Prime, MK, Beast, And Bert. Yaron lines up DK, Goldberg, Sting, Storm, Kut, and PJ’s.

The game begins with Prime arriving late because he forgot to change a diaper. Goldberg is like, I’m 2 weeks into this and I still have no clue. Mazal Tov to the new fathers who showed up to play football. The game begins with 6’s to accommodate Prime and PJ’s benched himself. Yarons first pass is nearly picked off by Beast. Actually was thrown right to him. Not a Leauge week. Yaron says ok, I will not throw to Beast again and of course this time he throws a perfect pass to Dachs. Who makes the INT and gets first down at 20. Hits Munch on TE screen who takes it in for the first score. Yaron blames it on the football and changes to his ball. And then a “Classic Jewball” moment, Jordan announced everyone off the field. Something about a permit….. legit soccer? Anyways Yaron is trailing Dachs 1-0 and now we will take a 15 minute break until we get to Hewlett.

New field, new football, less wind. Yaron can turn this around?? Unfortunately his next drive is a 3 and out. Munch gets a 3rd down sack and Yaron punts it. Dachs with a 3 and out and Colors is feeling maybe a the momentum is shifting. But Yaron on third down try’s to hit PJ’s but Prime knocks it down. Yaron claimed it was a throw away. PJ’s realizes that’s his only chance of getting a pass 


. Dachs takes over and methodically drives down the field with passes to Prime, Beast and Dax. On first and goal Dachs throws an incredible ball over the defense to back of end zone to a wide open Dax. Perfect throw and play. Dachs is leading 2-0. Yaron with another three and out. On this Dachs drive he will try to gun one in to his brother but it will get deflected and picked off by Goldberg. Yaron is focused and he begins getting his team involved with throws to Storm And Sting for some yards. A dump off to DK for some yards. And Yaron is driving down the field. On second and goal Yaron looks for Goldberg who is wide open and makes a seemingly great pass that Goldberg can’t corral and Dachs is there for pick and a good return. This will setup another nice drive that leads to Munchs 2nd TD. 3-0 Dachs. Yaron doesn’t seem to have any answers for the line of Beast and Munch. Another punt. Dachs drives down the field and will get himself a rushing TD. Yaron finally makes a magical throw to Storm who bobbles and holds on to a catch and run for 80 yards to get colors their first TD. It’s 4-1 Dachs. But Dachs isn’t done. He will hit MK for TD and take a 5-1 lead. Goldberg will get a late TD. But Dachs was too much on the field. His team wins 5-2. On offense and Defense Dachs was the difference maker. While Munch had himself a great game. Dachs earns himself his first Jewball, 4 TD’s thrown and a rushing TD along with 2 picks. Welcome to Jewball Dachs!!
Game 2 was a rough one for Perla and a magical one for Yaron. Perla, coming off the big W, was hobbled. The man is making his comeback to football, and he was physically struggling in the Both. Same could be said for a few guys on his squad. Rook was visibly fighting through some stuff. Perla’s team featured Sting, Storm, and Jordan – already frustrated after losing Game 1. Rook had won with Yaron and Solo had won with Perla. And Logan was fresh. Yaron regrouped after his ugly loss – playing with Zada, Zinn, Klink, Daveo, Dobbs, and Beast. It was David v. Goliath from the beginning. Yaron was supremely on and Perla’s defense was supremely off. Jordan and Logan wrap up Zada but fail to pull his flag and he scores. Storm is beaten on a fly. Rook at safety was ineffective with the injuries. Add to this that brand of Yaron that sees the field like he’s bionic and it made for a frustrating day for Perla’s Game 2 team. I give credit to my teammates for battling until the end of a 6-1 loss, but it was just a severe beat down all around. Yaron gets the Jewball for the mastery, scoring with 5 different receivers and bouncing back very nicely. Daveo had 2 TDs making it 3 on the day which is worth noting. Zinn gets his first win. And now onto League Week 1.5.
Thanksgiving coming up, boys. Yeah, we had some drama today on chat – whatever. No one takes it too seriously. And if you do….you’re in the wrong cult. Just appreciate that we care about the league, and the guys, and the football being high quality. Everything else is TBI fodder. It’s a blessing to play this Sunday together. If you are healthy enough to play – it’s rare and a blessing! Don’t let Jewball ever be a source of distress in your life. When you get to play, awesome! When you don’t get to play, that sucks, but there will be another game. Stay positive. Work on your game. The pieces will fall into place. See you on the field.