Week 5 – Recap

A PJ’s Perspective….

The new era of Jewball is upon us. We are a quarter of the way through this season. And besides for so many new names taking major spots on the draft board, many of these new names are also making impact on the field each week. While week 5 will be billed the “battle of line”, it also featured a matchup between the “present/past” and the “future”, with two very special players in Mighty and Zinn. Yes there were other players on the field. But these guys are highlight reel players. After watching Zinn haul in a catch Tuesday night, I realized the hype is real. On the other side you have Mighty who has been mighty special for nearly 13 years. With Pray on the shelf, Yaron in Mexico without a shirt but kept his phone, and Dachs needing a week off. We were left to find QB’s to play. This was an issue that plagued the Dark Ages of Jewball. We all know that good QB play makes for a great football. However, bad QB play makes for an awful game for everyone. Game 1 QB’s were decent enough but not great. You had the captain of the Top Guns in Feit vs Rabin, the godfather of Jewball and also an embattled QB of Jewball for many years. Yes, Rabin isn’t a team captain or weekly starter anymore, but you can’t forget that this guy throughout dark ages took the huddle week in an week out. Did his best to find receivers and spread the ball. Rabin knows his limits but cares so much about winning. Lining up with Rabin is an honor regardless of the results. Feits Team featured Solo, Mighty, Oppen, Beast, Tom, Maor, and Bert. Rabin’s roster had Zinn, DK, Munch. Kut, O, MK, and PJ’s( season debut).
Feit starts with the ball and immediately goes to Tom with Pj’s guarding him, slings a great pass and the YAC from Tom moves it down almost 50 yards to get great field position. 1st down on the 25, Feit finds Solo and Maor for some good yards. But Feit with a few over throws and ultimately stalls out. Rabin comes into the huddle with arm pocket plays and is ready to lead. Rabin sends DK deep down the sideline and throws one of his best passes of the day to be dropped. Rabin doesn’t do much after and Feit gets the ball back. And is able to move chains with throws to beast and Mighty. Feit in the red zone looks to target Tom with the returning PJ’s and it worked. Tom makes a short catch and PJ’s fails to push Tom out of bounds or grab the flag, Tom gets 3 balls in. 1-0 Feit. Rabin wants to win badly and get back into this game. Draws up some plays and starts hitting a few completions but an errant throw picked off by Mighty gets Feit the ball back in the red zone. On 3rd down Feit looks to take advantage of Tom’s size and PJ’s not being in great game shape. Throws it to Tom and Pj’s prevents the TD. On 4th down Feit looks to Mighty his league teammate and ultimately his best receiver on the field, even with Zinn playing man on him. Feit makes a great 5 yard throw to mighty who makes a great catch with Zinn all over him. 2-0 Feit. Rabin can’t take the losing. He knows he’s got talent around him so he allows Zinn to use some of his Magic to make something happen. Zinn gets the handoff and launched it deep to Mk only for the ball to be under thrown and picked off by Feit. Feit isn’t able to score and the Rabin gets the ball back. Down 2-0 and 40 minutes to play. Rabin throws a really bad ball up to Munch with mighty ready  to pick it but munch makes an incredible catch and pulls it away and some how gets passed the defense for an 80 yard TD. Rabin is back In the game. Feit gets the ball back and wants to get mighty more touches but this time Zinn says no. Zinn gets a pick and Rabin is ready to tie this game. I should mention Beast started to blitz from the corner and got 3 sacks in the game which actually accounted for all of the sacks in the game. One of those sacks led to Rabin going for it on 4th and 15 and hitting Zinn for a miraculous 1st down. Rabin decides to target  MK, and he has him deep but MK drops what was probably Rabins best pass of the game. Tough game for the Katz bros. Rabin still manages to lead his team down the field and on 4th and goal from 10 Rabin looks to Munch in the endzone and isn’t able to connect. Feit up 2-1 at 9:15 knew that another score ices the game away. Feit moved the ball down the field with ease. It’s now 3rd and goal in the red zone and Feit figures I’ve got Tom with Pj’s guarding him, why not try that again? Feit avoids the pressure and looks for Tom and PJ’s makes what was a game saving near int play that knocks the ball away. It’s 4th down, it’s Mighy time… Zinn is guarding him like they have all game. Zinn shouldn’t be offended when Mighty chirps all game I’m open. Just understand Mighty wants and needs that ball. Feit throws a slant to Mighty, Zinn is all all over him but Mighty does what he does. Scores the TD and iced the game. The battle of the line didn’t live up to hype as Solo was orchestrating a confusing Defense on Rabin and barely rushed in. The story of this game was Mighty came up with clutch TD’s all game and is the Jewball winner of game 1. Zinn is the future but mighty is still the present. Feit was solid and Rabin wasn’t bad but on this day it wasn’t good enough to get the win.

Game 2 featured Tom “White Goodman” Perla vs Waldo. Perla is still new to our game and while the scouting report in his first start were long huddles, he definitely seemed to have faster huddles this week. Perla lines up with Sting, Storm, Zada, Dobs, Salem, and Whiskey. Waldo has the debuting iceman, Prime, Rook, Ernie, Vegh, Klink, and Dave-O on defense. Let’s start with Yoni, yes he was late and he seemed frustrated with the game. Like J says we give him another shot. He is a baller. So we will not rip him! Perla’s first drive looked good. He hit Storm time after time for big yards. Dave-O did get a sack on him on the opening drive. Zada and Sting both had great jump ball TD’s from Perla. Rook had a near pick 6 gets his team to the 1 yard line. Bec ensuing play Salem picks off Waldo.  All in all he hits Sting for 2 TD’s who also had a pick 6. Storm had 2 picks himself and Perla destroys Waldo 6-1. Rook made a QB appearance at one point but not enough to help. Waldo was bad but guys also dropped his passes. Tough game overall. Jewball goes to Sting. Next week we roll it back with our regular QB’s and we see what is in store for week #6… stay tuned for sign up, TBI, and power rankings!