Week 5 – Recap

While a dazed Yaron was trading his phone for sex and drugs in Cancun, Week 5 was played – and his absence was felt. Week 5, at least for me, had that melancholy air, which a Jewball Sunday can occasionally and unpredictably emit. Sure, it was the awfully uncompetitive Game 2 in which I participated. The kind of Game that really makes you think. Sends you home feeling empty. Leaving you to fill the void of meaningless Jewball with philosophical musings and the urge to have the recap make sense of it all.
And then Mike White happens. And you realize that all the Week 5 QBs are intensely loyal Jets fans. Maybe that is a sign. I always felt there was a connection between playing football in the morning and watching it the rest of the day. I don’t care what anyone says – a sentiment I have brought up here many times – we have an edge when watching football on Sunday. An edge over every armchair quarterback or announcer pounding wings, drinking beer and “appreciating” the games as they play out. Because we PLAY THE GAME. Yes, of course on a level that pales in comparison to the pros. I am not comparing our efforts to theirs. But the fact that we play makes us – in my mind – more like the players than the spectators. We recognize the game in a way that a fan doesn’t. It’s part of us. When a receiver drops a ball. When a tackle is missed. When a ball is thrown inexplicably awry. We jeer but we get it. When a circus catch is made. A block is laid down. A high effort tackle is accomplished. We are impressed because we get it. More about Mike White later.
I have to begin with the crew sharing the field with us. Reiterating first that soccer is still at LHS so going there now is a moot point – I like HHS. Feels like a home worth committing too. There is a vibrancy and life energy there that LHS did not have. The advanced years game playing along side us with the slow moving routes, the seven Mississippis, and the plethora of throwback jerseys – it’s comforting. To them maybe we look young. Well, they should see the crew that took over the field after we left. The point is….football is a brotherhood that can last a lifetime. More about Eddie later.
Game 1 was it’s usual high class affair with Pray and Feit facing off once again. Mighty v. Singer. Kut v. Munch. Talent up and down the rosters. One of our super rookies – Bentzy – got a spot last minute when Maor got tangled up with car issues just before the game. By the time I got to the field, Pray was up 1-0. I was told the BOP connection between Pray and PJs was strong again as PJS made a TD grab (and had also potentially suffered a concussion – RS, bud). I then turned on the camera and it was showtime for Mighty as he turned a broken play into a Mighty exclusive. Slashing and burning his was to a score. 2-0 Pray. Now, this puts me in an awkward position….because Feit has been really good in terms of comebacks and winning games. He hasn’t lost yet. So why is it that when I watch him….I only think how much better he can be? Definitely could be I’m the problem. I just see someone who is limiting himself by focusing on only 1 or 2 receivers. Pumping when he should be throwing. For now, let’s assume it’s me. He threw some stunners on the comeback trail. TDs to Zada and Singer (stiff arming his way for 40 yards), with a brutal for Pray pick to Vegh, opened the door for Feit to continue his propensity for finding a way. Pray managed to take the punch and punch back with a TD to Ivry and his team clung to 3-2 lead with 15 minutes left in the game. Never Say Die Feit made a spectacular throw to Bentzy in the Where’s Waldo hat over the middle to keep the chains moving and capped the game tying drive with a score to Zada. Pray had a chance to give his team the lead, but the drive stalled – Kut was particularly relentless on Sunday, going sack for sack with Munch after being traded for him. So, it’s Feit with the last licks. I have seen many amazing catches over 20 years of Jewball. For my money – no type of catch will ever be more impressive than those that are all out effort streaks down a sideline – catching up to a ball that you have no business by the laws of physics coming close to – and then catching it. The dynamics of such a catch are the most brilliant to me. But there is another kind of catch that can take your breath away. That is the high pressure contested jump ball where it is literally mano a mano to see who wants it more. Game 1 ended with such a catch. Not surprisingly, it was Singer in the middle of it. He went up with Ivry. Both men reaching into the sky for a spot in the air where there was no ball but where a ball would arrive suddenly like the Millennium Falcon emerging from light speed. Ivry is height and muscle and hands and focus. He did everything right. He interfered in every way possible, short of catching the ball himself. But the ball snuck through just enough to give Singer a chance. And Singer took the chance and made himself a hero. He comes down with the ball and with everyone getting over the visceral shock…he runs for the end zone and scores a game winner. With that, he gets a Jewball. Beast mode, Snow Pup!!!

If not for Mike White, Game 2 wouldn’t get much ink. It was a great day for back up QBs, just not in Jewball. With Yaron and Gronk out and Rabin only able to show up mid game, Beast/Tom got a start in Game 2…and it just didn’t work great. For whatever reason – and there are many – the Game was a bummer for the Dark team. Pray was throwing for Colors, coming off a tough loss, and he was the only QB on the field that lead his team. Dark tried multiple QBs including Rabin who (thank you) popped in ready to go. But there was no rhythm to be found. Dark scored 0 in 90 minutes of football. Pray scored 4 and ended the game on a P6. Final being 5-0. There is no excuse for the 5 scores other than it was one of those games where the discombobulation on offense spilled over to the defense. Missed flags and assignments and coverages. Jordan was particularly exposed. Once by Benj and once by Eddie for a TD. Whatever – take a shower, wash it off, move on. The lesson of Mike White and Week 5 is how important QBs are. Effective QBs. QBS who lead. QBs who can win. Who can make everyone in the huddle believe. What a precious commodity they are. This is why we are so blessed right now.
You ask me why the Dark Ages happen. It’s simple. We had no QBs. You can have 14 great guys – the best guys – who love the game and are as close as Jewball brothers can be – but if two of those guys are not REAL QBs…you don’t have a game. We have tried so many times to develop new QBs in Jewball…Sometimes it works very well (Doggy, Pray, Gronk, Zez), sometimes less well (Dorothy, Hood), sometimes not at all. But developing a QB is a worst case scenario. What we want ALWAYS is actual QBS! MVP, Yaron, Feit, Marino, JK! We would sell our soul for a QB every time. We sort of did that with Yaron. Just kidding!
Wishing Jewball continued QB good fortune. May our cups runeth over with those gems.
And speaking of treasures….Eddie!
Eddie could just as well have found a game like the one that shares the field with us. He’d probably be a superstar there. No exaggeration – he would blow their minds. But he sticks with us. He believes in Jewball. He raises his children with Jewball. He gets that it’s a game, it’s a family, it’s a way of life. Evidenced by Ari being in town and getting a game in. Evidenced by his sticking to the game plan and running his routes with alacrity and commitment. He puts up another score this week. He takes on Solo without fear. He is a role model for every one of us. And we all know it. Here is to you, Pops! Keep inspiring – untll 120. Jewball for you.