Week 4 – Recap

A PJ’s perspective… Week 4  coming off a competitive league  week #1 had a lot of excitement plus higher expectations. Pray was coming off his first W of the season with the BOP and Feit battling and playing quite well post COVID quarantine, there was much intrigue for this matchup. In addition, you had Mighty vs Singer, which is always storyline when these 2 matchup against each other. However, things don’t always look as good as we hope for them to look. Insert Dave Chappelle jokes! 7:50 am rolls around and bunch of old guys claim their stake in the land of Hewlett High School like the “Space Jews” they are… luckily they agree to split the field but start time gets pushed back and things aren’t quite right. Feit lines up with Singer, Zada, Gronk, Bert, Ernie, and Sam. Pray lined up with Mighty, Munch, Dobs, Tabak, Maor, and PJ’s. Feit gets the ball first and decent drive but stalls out. Pray has similar drive but also stalls. Then Feit on his second drive marches down the field and hits Gronk for a 20 yard TD. 1-0 Feit. Pray was unfortunately unable to respond all game and even threw 2 picks on misfired passes one to Ernie and the other to Singer. Prays intermediate game works at times hitting Maor, Tabak, and PJ’s but struggles to find Mighty deep or anywhere past the line of scrimmage. You can watch or listen to TBI for more on that! On defensive side Prays team kept him in it with Feit being sacked 6 times; 4.5 by munch, 1 by Dobs, and half by PJ’s. Midway through the game Feit finds Gronk on a deep 30 yard TD to seal the game at 2-0. Could’ve made it 3-0 but Pray picked off Feit in the end zone and the next ensuing drive PJ’s battered down a pass on a 4th down on the 2 yard line. Overall Feit played well despite the rush and Pray needs to figure out how to get Mighty the ball more. Pray will get better! 2-0 Feit wins!

Game 2 featured the return of a legend in name orb M-V-P! Who made appearances on the field and TBI in the same week. MVP lined up with his “old reliable” Tom, Klink, Beast, Irv, Storm, Prime, Kut, and Gronk . Yaron wanted to teach this legend once again that Jewball is his yard. Yaron lined up with a mix of young vets and rooks in Bently, Goldberg, Salem, Benj, Sonic, and Vegh. MVP looked a bit rusty at times on his first drive but was able to find Tom for some big first downs. MVP would end up taking a commanding 2-1 lead after hitting Tom and Ivry for TD’s. Yaron’s team couldn’t come together at all. Mis-plays and drops. Overall a frustrating game for Yaron who takes every game seriously and just wants to win. There was some extra play that led to a 4-1 win for MVP. Overall, Yaron and Pray will figure out how to use their talent better. Let’s hope Hewlett remains ours for the season! If not we need to reclaim Lawrence like the “Space Jews” we are!! This is Jewball boys!!!