Week 4 Recap

One November in the not too distant future, they will say the weather is unseasonable today – and that will mean it is colder than 50 degrees.Perhaps a scary future, but great for the Jewball present.
I didn’t get to set up a field on Sunday on the grass like in the days of yore. Yaron had already done it by the time I arrived at the scene. And the scene was Jewball in full swing – full sun – and the day heating up. Was mid-60s by 9am. Must have reached 70 at some point during Game 2.
I’ll be honest – I didn’t love the teams this week – I knew there was a potential for blow-outs in the chemistry of it all. My hope, of course, was that the “underdog” team would step up. But perhaps there is something to just divvying up the talent in a more economical way. My bad on Week 4. I will aim to improve that.
Game 1 was at the half when I arrived. I was told Feit was down big and Mighty was having a hell of a day. Maybe 3 scores and a pick. Something like that. The score was 4-1 with Yaron up over Feit. My gameplan of giving Feit the ultimate pass rush seemed to have backfired. Munch wasn’t even on the line. He gave me a despondent look. Singer, always positive and in good spirits. I asked him how it’s going. He flashed his megawatt smile. “Badly.” Okay, so I blew it. Yaron was gonna win. Feit was gonna lose again. Regroup for next week. But, then….the unthinkable happened. First, Feit hits Singer on a stop and go down the left sideline…..a quick score! His second of the day. Only down by 2. Then I see Yaron on the sideline. He had taken himself out with a knee injury. Safe to say if Yaron had stayed in, the scoring would have continued and Feit would have lost, but this is why you play the game. Injuries are as much a part of the game as almost sacks. Gronk took over at QB, but the normally winning same-play caller was not himself on Sunday. An injured throwing arm nagged Gronk all day and despite his quiet intensity and will to win, he could not hold the lead. Plagued with 3 and outs nearly every possession, Feit took advantage and orchestrated consecutive scoring drives to end the game. The final drive was a beauty with Sam making a huge grab for a first down and capped by a PJs TD in the back of the end zone. Great catch from the veteran using his hands for once not to injure someone. And he didn’t even slide. In OT, Gronk could not push another point across, but Feit could. Once again to Singer. Per the box score, Singer scored 4. That’s a Jewball for him. I heard the game had a lot of calls which of course meant a lot of arguing. We addressed that earlier in the week. I’m hoping our players who are suffering from chronic and severe call-itis (and there are only a few) start considering the good of the league over the need to vent and react in the moment. Rule 1: Dont make the call Rule 2 If the call is made, resect it (trash the guy publicly for making the call, but respect it at the same time) Rule 3 Keep the game moving. NOTHING is more annoying than having to listen to two people argue over a call. The guy who made the call is annoying as hell. But you are a very close second for arguing with him about it (yes, I know this applies to me as well).
Speaking of applying to me…your commish has himself a day. Back on the grass, and with his super fly knee brace on for the first time…..wait – mid brag shout out to my boy Big E for coming out – great to see u on the field! – where was I…..oh yeah  Game 2 – Pray against Gronk and once again the team seemed oddly one sided. Especially with Gronk hobbled by whatever kept his pistol of an arm in its holster. Granted, his team dropped some balls, which brought morale down and a general malaise fell over his squad, but Pray and Jordan seemed to be scoring at will. Not sure what defense the opposition had set up, but Jordan was open deep every single possession, scoring on the first 3 possessions of the game. When Gronk finally managed a TD with a strike to Goldberg, Pray came right back and extended the lead again at 4-1. Jordan added another and Pray a P6. Just an all out beat down. Despite some mild protests representing faint gasps of pride….we ran it back with Jordan and Tom switching squads. The final game of the day was better and closer. Jordan put up his 5th of the day – and grabbing a Jewball in the process for the cumulative effort – but Pray wins again, hitting Prime on a cross, who zipped passed a dumbfounded Jordan, and scored the game winner. 2-1 in the nightcap.