As we drive from Tel Aviv to the Negev….with a lot of distractions so apologies to all those who want an epic recap.
Week 4 was a mixed bag. A legit early game with a storm followed by a stop and go Game 2 that ended in a tie.
Game 1 started in wet weather and for the first 20 minutes of the game we had a real downpour. Made for an intense opening and set the tone. I’ll be honest it’s going to be hard for me to write a recap where I was such a detriment to my team. I left Week 4 bummed. One of those weeks. The reason? In my mind I am 25 and can run with anyone….but in reality I’m 41 and could not stay with my first assignment, Josh, or my second, Singer….at all. And Prager was throwing the ball well. I’m gonna pull of the bandaid with this one and just say it (as opposed to creating any drama or suspense in the narrative): Prager beat Yaron 4-3 with all 4 scores coming off Jordan blown man coverage. First 2 from Josh and second 2 from Singer. Yaron was sharp as well. It wasnt so much his arm that let down his team. Maybe play calling could have more effective but with the weapons Prager had and as locked in as he was, Yaron and his team had to be perfect – and they weren’t. They were good. Needed to be great. John dropped one sure TD. Jordan dropped 2 that would have kept drives alive. Yes, it was slick out there, but you gotta make plays to win games. Was a fun and competitive game in some wet conditions and felt gritty out there. I know Same had a sack and Beast was working hard competing in man coverage. Zada was his usual relentless self at middle LB. Tom played through pain and battled as he always does making plays from the TE spot. Full team effort by Prager. Yaron put up points with Prime and John. John also had a really nice day pulling flags. Congrats again to Vegh for the 


. Jewball is to Prager for the 4 TDs thrown.
Game 2 wouldn’t deserve a recap since it ended in a tie, but I have to mention the MOST PHENOMENAL TD HOOKUP TO OPEN A GAME IN JEWBALL HISTORY! Pants to Beast on a  post for 95 yards reception and score! A perfect pass over the coverage and Beast takes it to the house. Pants has quite an arm. Look forward to seeing what he can be down the line. We all be zocheh to celebrate with him at his upcoming bar mitzvah. After a trade 


 of Brody for Prime the game moved well. A back and forth affair with Rabin also throwing well. Zip on the ball – very few ducks and gophers. A beauty to Zada – who someone said couldn’t even catch – tied it up for the first time. Would have been interesting to see how this one ended, but we got booted for futbol. Apparently the soccer crew was one and done. Anyway, Rabin looked good at QB and I’m rooting for him at the Turkey Bowl today. Cant wait to see the pics.