Week 18 Recap

As I watch my car being buried in snow as this deposition drones on in the background, I am getting more excited to bring the pain on Sunday as we play and celebrate Vets Rooks 2021. At the same time, the crew here wants a Recap. I look back to Week 18…and what do I see? Tom was completely broken. Crushed ribs – could hardly breathe – sleepless nights in agonizing pain. Of course he was IN but only if it was tackle. Eventually he opted out and Rabin and Dobs jumped in late to give us, not only a tackle game, but our first 8 on 8 of the season. 
When I got to the field, the messaging was clear: Yaron sucks. Now, was this true? Of course not. It’s a chat meme. At the same time, he was off to a rough start. Some mix of fumbles and picks on his first two possessions – both leading to scores. Pray had a pick 6 to get the party started, I believe. Either way, it was 2-0 with a little more than an hour to go.
Within minutes of my arrival, I was able to observe the bad luck Yaron was having and the momentum that Feit and his crew was riding. Yaron, down but never out, pitched the ball to Prime to get something good going – as is often the case when Prime gets the ball in a tackle game. But Snow Pup Singer is out of his mind when the field is covered in snow. You would think the white stuff was cocaine and he was inhaling it throughout.
He leaps on Prime’s back and yanks his arms apart. The ball is loose! Beast recovers – and things are only getting worse for Yaron. Even when he calls a safe play, things go horribly wrong. Now, let’s look at the other side of the ball. Feit, drops back….gets sacked by Kut – no wait….forces a fumble….this could be a huge gain for Yaron if one of his players jumps on the ball. Maybe can run it back for a score. But, now – Prager picks the ball up and throws a floating 45 yard TD pass! Was the TD called back because the rule was not clear? Yes. But, the contrast between the two fumbles spoke volumes. Feit did eventually convert the turnover into points by having Singer run it up the gut. (FYI – In tackle games, we play one ball in the endzone). 
Yaron came out swinging on the next drive – looking to make sure the game would not become a laugher – even if the win seemed out of reach. With a deep ball to MK who leaked out from the wing, his crew was in position to score. Mighty made a great tackle on MK to save a TD, but Yaron did put in the endzone by hooking up with MK again a few plays later. 3-1 Feit. 
The momentum really seemed to shift when Storm leaped over Singer to pick a ball meant for Beast. The defensive stat gave Yaron the ball and really short yardage to go to make it a one score game. Unfortunately, Feit and co. put together a goal line stand that likely ended the game for Yaron. Mainly because time was running out for the comeback.
Feit made the comeback even more difficult by refusing to slide on defense any more. The non-score by Yaron turned into a full field drive by Feit capped off by a jump ball TD to Singer, our Jewball winner. 4-2 Feit on top.
With about a half hour to go Yaron put together a Gronk-esque drive consisting of simple calculated plays (outs to Kut who can rumble for big yards with the best of em) and miracle heaves (Rabin making 3 catches on the drive – one of them on 4th and long). The drive ended on with a Kut TD. Down two scores with little time left, the odds were heavily stacked against Yaron. His weak start was going to haunt him.
The nail was hammered into the coffin as Feit drove the entire field and put up a final point.
All Yaron could do was attempt to make it closer. He did so, with a game ending TD to Prime.
I don’t apologize for the lack of passion in this recap. My passion is reserved for Sunday. Beware ye Rooks.