Week 17 Recap

Jewball week 17 recap. (By Yaron with color commentary by Kut)
As I sit here with an ice pack on each knee and both ankles taped up, I realize two things, one; I’m out of shape and should not be playing more than one game on Sunday. Two; Game 1 is better than game 2. (Actually, was discussing this with fellow Jewballers during the week. A few reasons were proposed and would be a good discussion over some brews and wings) (Not to be confused with the fabled and mythical Jewball BBQ) Week 17 was another perfect example of this.
If there is one thing, we can be grateful for, the weather on Sunday’s has been unnatural. This week was no exception, bright and sunny morning starting at 35 Degrees and warming up to 50 by the time Game 2 rolled around. In shocking news, everyone who signed up, showed up. John made sure to sleep on the field over night so as not to put his Jewball career in question. And even though he was only supposed to play game two, he ended up subbing in for an injured Salem. (Feel better bro)
Game 1 started kinda on time with Gronk leading Dark (Except Mighty in pink)  vs Yaron and Colors. Gronk, in his usual manner made sure his team had several film sessions and was able to audible at the line every single play. “Same play Same play” is the equivalent of Payton manning and “Omaha Omaha”. 
Yaron takes ball first, lining up with Salem, Beast, Singer, Tom, prime and Goldberg and almost immediately overthrows tom and leads to a Mighty Pick.  Just a few plays later and Gronk, lining up with  Rabin, Vegh, Mighty, Solo, Ari and Kut, hits Solo at TE for his first TD. 
Yaron gets the ball back, finds a hole in the defense and hits Singer for a long catch and run which would’ve ended in a TD, but Mighty would not have this happen on his watch and chases down Singer for a TD saving flag pull at the 30. A few plays later, colors manage to score anyway. Tie game. 
Not to be out done, Gronk marches down the field and finds mighty for TD #2. 
Yaron takes the ball and manages to put together a decent drive, 3rd and short, pass to Goldberg, Mighty reads it from a mile away and has his second pick of the day.  Couple of stalled drives going both ways. Yaron, feeling the pressure from Solo and Kut, is unable to covert on some key plays. Gronk getting pressured as well, colors sending in 3 at the line and things slow down for a bit. Yaron finally puts together a consistent drive and is able to find Prime deep in the endzone.
Gronk takes the ball again and find himself with a 2nd and short at the 36 and decides to use this opportunity as a free play. His lineman made one request, “Don’t throw a pick”, but Gronk being Gronk lofts one in the air for Singer to easily grab and come down with his first pick of the day. Yaron takes the ball, tosses a nice screen to Prime who does the cha cha down the field and coupled with a bunch of stiff arms, takes it to the house. Colors up 3-2. 
With extra motivation and a quick read of the poor defense, Gronk finds Mighty downfield for a beautiful pass and a TD. Tie game. 
Next drive, ball moves well, 4th and long, Dark defense misses flags and allows Yaron to run 30 yards for TD number 4 and the lead. But, Yaron and Prime aren’t the only ones who can run. With the grace and whimsy of a ballerina, Solo takes a short pass and somehow manages to stay on his feet, juking from side to side, letting out spurts of air which can only be compared to air brakes on a semi-truck, causing countless missed flags and tackles, he manages to run 75 yards and get his 2nd TD of the day. Tie Game once again.
Welcome to OT! (No one wants to end in a tie) (Slackers from game 2 are nowhere to be found) 
With what seems to be great ease, Gronk once again drives down the field, not only is his play calling and passing game solid, he put up quite a few drive saving runs, and this final drive was no different. On 3rd and short for the game winning TD, Gronk feels the pressure on the line and tries to lob one to Kut in the end zone, but it’s too short and just before it hits the ground, Yaron, being driven by his losing streak, calls upon his Flash-like speed and manages to pick it off. Colors feeds off this energy and works their way down the field. Marching towards the endzone, they looked poised to win. 3rd and 7, perfect pass by Yaron to Goldberg, being tightly covered by Ari. Game over! But wait, Goldberg couldn’t hold on, hell he didn’t even try to hold on, went right through his hands.  4th and 7, Yaron draws up the perfect play, he rolls to his right, receivers are open, he pulls back and releases the perfect spiral only to have it completely obliterated and batted down by Kut on the line. (His 2nd batted ball, for those keeping track)
With a new motivation, Gronk takes over and once again wills his way down the field, twice running and squirming to get the first downs. He has his new-found favorite receiver, (nope, not Vegh, Sruls just wasn’t getting it done,) Rabin!! He’s making catches like he’s 19 again. Once again, Gronk finds himself in the red zone. After 3 attempts, he makes it to the 7-yard line. Colors has been waiting for this moment and blitzes 4, but they made that crucial mistake and left Mighty wide open in the back left of the end zone. Gronk reads the defense perfectly and gently lofts one to Mighty for the win!! Final Score 5-4 Dark.
Was a very solid game, though some key players were missing, J, you’re missed. Solid defense, good battles on the line, and nice-looking drives. As Jordan has said many a time, Jewball is successful, not only because of the guys that are committed to it, but also because of the talent that comes down to the field each week. Week 17 was a good one. 
Jewball to Gronk for his excellent game plan execution, his ability to get all his teammates involved, and his ability to run the ball and keep the drives alive.
Honorable mentions: Mighty, for being Mighty and consistently bringing it every week. Solo, for his 2 TD’s and impressive ballet moves. 
Sacko to Goldberg for his key dropped passes. Very unlike him, hopefully this award will encourage him to be just a bit better.

Game 2A recap. Kut comes back to play for injured Salem.
Yaron and Gronk play catch for about 45 minutes. Colors wins 4-1.
Jewball to gronk for 2 passing TD’s, 2 receiving TD’s and 2 picks. 
Sacko to Rabin for overthrowing Goldberg multiple times.
Game 2B, Gronk and Kut switch teams. Good game. Gronk and Rabin team up again for an incredible duo. Its as if every play, Rabin gets open makes the catch and gets yards. Gronk maintains his usual game calling and everyones on the same page. Yaron, is finally clicking with his team and there are good drives both ways. Gronk and dark ends up winning again 4-3.
Notable moments: Prime stiffarming yaron into another dimension to get his first TD. (Prime actually stopped, pointed and laughed at Yaron on the floor)
Solo getting his first pick in Jewball (off a tipped ball by Beast at the line.)
Controversial call of the game: Johnny Storm making the catch and flying 80 yards for a TD, only to be called back by Gronk. Seems that John was holding his flag even after it was pulled. 
Last and most memorable play of the game: Courtney storming onto the field ready to kill Prime. His only saving grace, catching the game winning TD.
Jewball to Gronk, once again for willing his team to win, making Rabin feel like a million bucks, and keeping the drives alive