Week 16 – Recap

A PJ’s perspective….
Week 16 was like none other. Jordan, our Commish, the glue to our Jewball family was away with kill on the greatest tour of Texas that any of us could’ve of dreamed of. IJWT isn’t just Jewball belief but seriously its a religious thing in Texas all day and night. J and Kill are Meeting World Series MVP’s, hanging with Jerry Jones, and meeting cowboys cheerleaders. Only thing that was missing was all of us with the cheerleaders! But I digress…. The show must go on and week 16 was going to be played. An old field in the Jewball lore is Lawrence High School. The place that the “resurgence” built. But it will also be the home of “Red Sunday”. A day that lives in infamy and of course a day I want to forget, have possibly forgotten, and will eventually forget. But, Hewlett has been a treasured home and now taken over… so we go back to old reliable and it was there for the taking. We had Dachs out this week, so Feit steps in to take on his old nemesis in Pray. Pray lines up with a returning Sting, Zada, Oppen, Beast, Tabak, and Ernie. Feit would get some of his TG teammates in Singer and Munch along with Dax, DK, Bert, and PJ’s. Both team were “stacked”, locked and loaded to make the last January football game a classic. Feit starts off quick getting the ball to DK for some yards, he will get Singer a pass as well. Ultimately drives his team down and finds Dax to take an early 1-0. Pray wanted to respond. He methodically leads his team down the field. Gets himself in a 3rd and goal at 8 but fails to connect with Ernie on this down and on fourth down with some solid D by PJ’s. Next offensive possession the curse of Lawrence High School Red Sunday looked to be peaking in. Singer and Sting knees collide and it looks scary. Singer our #1 pick, last years MVP, and honestly one of the best people in Jewball was really hurting. He’s been battling injuries all season and no one wants him to have setback. Sting who has his own injury story and setbacks was luckily ok and would play the rest of the game. Singer sits out the drive in hopes of returning. Feit still feeling confident rallies the team down the field and once again finds Dax for his second TD. Feit is up 2-0 and yells at his team that “there is plenty of time left and we can’t give up a score Becuase he’s seen Pray come back too many time”. Feit is quite prophetic. Singer tried to play D, but his knee wouldn’t have it. In comes Yaron to help out Jewball. Yaron instantly picks off Pray on a deep pass. Feit wouldnt do much on that drive. Pray gets the ball back and methodically drives down again and this time finds Ernie who beats PJ’s for the TD. 2-1 Feit. Dax is a true weapon and Feit started utilizing the blocking in front of him to get yards on screens to Dax and QB runs. Feits get himself a first and goal at the 48 and forgets that Oppen is across from him. Oppen would sack him twice knock him behind the 50 and ultimately end the drive. Pray would lead another long thought out drive that ends with a Zada TD. We are all tied up. Feit gets another shot at taking back the lead but he would once again March the team down only to get another first and goal and be knocked behind the 50 by Beast and Oppen. Beast to add insult to injury decided to rip Feits pants off and Feit is basically playing in his underwear. Top Guns may need to analyze this strategy. Feit would stall out and Pray would do the same. It’s 9:25 and the final drive of regulation. Feit is getting the ball in Dax’s hands and it’s working. Gets himself 1st and goal at the 35. Fists play is an incomplete. Second down he’s got Yaron wide open in the endzone and misses him for an incomplete. Then on 3rd down Feits got PJ’s running a wheel route only to lob it up for Ernie and he will pick it off and regulation is over. Pray gets the ball first and is unable complete any passes. Feit has a chance to win it and he does what was needed and finds Dax on a crossing route for the game winning TD to walk off the field with the “W”. Well done Feit to manage and come back. Dax was a beast all day and deserves the honor of the Jewball for week 16’s early game. Oppen with 3 sacks gets an honorable mention despite the loss but more on him later.

Game 2 had a much different storyline. We have the receiving TD leader Storm up against the second place receiving TD leader but best TD: Game ration in Jewball. How many TD’s would they each catch? Could Zinn overtake Storm? Or does Storm runaway with it? Here is thing, no matter who wins at the end. We are witnessing two players playing at a very high level. It’s enjoyable to watch the legacies they are creating. Yaron lines up with his LH teammate in Storm along with Waldo, Tom, Oppen, Rook, and Dobs. Pray looking to bounce back from the early loss lines up with his BOP teammate and brother Prime, returning Spira, Dave-O, DK, Beast, and Zinn. Pray gets the ball first and immediately finds Zinn for some good yards. A few plays later he finds Dave-O in the middle of the field for a big gain and some more getting past the whole D and scoring to take a 1-0 lead. Yaron gets the ball and his first drive gets to the red-zone and on 4th down Yaron throws a good pass to Waldo that was fingertipped by a beaten zinn who saved a td and turnover on downs. Pray drives down again pretty easily riding short game and hits daveo on a bullet for a td up 2-0. Yaron stalls out and here comes Pray shaking off the early loss and once agaun dives down the field and he gets to the redzone but it’s now 4th and goal from 25 he gets flushed and throws up a lobber to zinn flying in for a td to make it 3-0 with 45 min left. Now I don’t think Pray verbalized what Feit did in game one but clearly Yaron drank “Mike’s secret stuff” or Dave-O’s unlabeled stuff but either way he found his groove. He hits Waldo who makes a sick 1 handed catch and big yards. Finally he gets back to redzone and on first and goal hits storm on a curl take get back in the game. For those keeping score Zinn and Storm both have TD’s in this game. Pray drives AGAIN gets to redzone gaining big chunks w daveo and co. Runs an option pass with zinn who throws an interception to waldo giving Yarons team much more life. Yaron finds both rook and Waldo who both made contentious catches over zinn. Yaron is in the redzone and on 4th and goal, he will hit Tom in the back of the endzone to make it 3-2. Now we’ve got a game. Now oppen and dobs are taking over and oppen racking up sacks 4 on the day and turnover on downs. Yaron was game tying drive in his reach. There was a play that some call a game changer and other call a fair call. However you see it, this is what happens, Yaron throws a screen to Waldo who is stiff arming zinn to the floor and running with daylight and with lead blockers  and basically a guaranteed td. But play called back on a flag guard. Now it’s hard for anyone to argue but Zinn felt like he was blocked and Waldo felt like it was a stiff arm. It’s a tough call to make but such a call was made. Yaron still had plenty of time to tie this game and will find Dobs over daveo for a 45 yard jump ball. Gets his team back to the redzone and almost hits storm in the middle of the endzone but a game saving poke out by prime, and it’s a turnover on downs. Prime making a timely defensive play like he is used to. Pray takes over and drives down with 10 min left. Pray finds daveo whi takes it into the redzone at the 5 yard line. It’s now 4th and 12. Pray with an option pass to zinn who is supposed to throw it back to Pray but sees Prime and Dave-O wide open and decided to let the two of them fight out who wants the TD more. Prime makes it very clear that he wants the stat and it’s prime for an open td. It’s now 4-2 and game seems out of reach for Yaron. Yaron still rallies the team with a few catch n runs by rook to get to redzone, and on second and goal prime baited a pass and jumped a route to storm to end the game with an int. 4-2 victory for Pray. Dave-O had an incredible offensive game and made big play after big play. He is this weeks Jewball with 2.5 TD’s but just being super reliable play after play. Prime gets honorable mention with his Defense on Storm and his own teammate Dave-O. Oppen racked up 7 sacks on the day and is now the sack leader. Storm and Zinn each finish with a TD each making the last few weeks quite interesting and entertaining. Can’t wait for Week 17 and the return of Texas J!