Week 16 Recap

A PJ’s perspective… Another really cold Sunday but as we all arrived for This weeks games, many were very confused. Did Gronk convince, piss off, then bond with Jordan in the games being cancelled due to cold weather? Did Gronk successfully get himself out of the games? Would Gronk even play in these games? Even though he said “OUT”. Was Yaron really coming back? Well I’ll let the story begin. 

Yaron made very compatible teams this week. Very impressed with his matchups. Game 1 featured Feit in colors with his FC teammates Mighty and Beast along with Prime, Tabak, Big O, and Sam versus The “enigma” Gronk and his top Cronie Goldberg, along with front runners for MVP in Pray and Storm, Mr. Jewball himself Kut, Held, and PJ’s. Game time temps were 18 degrees but no wind and no sun. 

Feits club got the ball first and they were ready to roll. Feit hits Beast and Mighty for a couple of nice gains. But an errant throw down the field is picked off by Pray. Gronk thinks he’s ready to roll but he throws a pick as well right back to Feit. Was this going to be another defensive grind of a game?? Prime says get me the ball and Feit throws it over Held for a beautiful first score. Gronk gets the ball back and he wants to spread the rock around. His best attribute as QB is that he wants everyone to touch the ball. And so he drives his Team down the field, hits PJ’s on a perfect over the shoulder pass in the end zone for a 30 yard TD and we are all tied up. Couple of stalled drives by both teams and then offense really comes on. Feit hits Tabak on a 50 yard run a catch only for Tabak to run out of bounds. Feit then goes on a QB run for a 20 yard TD and regains the lead. Gronk drives it back down the field and hits Kut on a nice 10 yard TD screen to tie it back up. Feit drives it back and hits Mighty for a TD. Gronk responds and hits Pray on 90 yard catch and run. We are all tied at 3. Feit is not deterred and drives them down the field once again, this time he finds beast who breaks some tackles and ends up in the end zone. Up 4-3 with 20 minutes remaining Gronk goes in hurry up mode. Drives the team down the field and somehow hits Goldberg between two defenders for a TD. Goldberg lost his Fanny pack but held on to the ball. Feit wants to win and beat Gronk his teammate on FC. No QB controversy on the front runners for the chip. But he forgets that a certain Bird is watching and waiting. Pray picks off Feit. Gronk then finds Pray for the game winning TD. Game over 5-4 Gronk. 

Jewball game 1 should go to Pray. 2 TD’s receptions and 2 picks. Gronk is honorable mention  who played a very solid QB,  threw 5 TD’s and 1 pick. 

Game 2 this week almost didn’t happen, signups were lacking but Yaron got his main squeeze and fellow 193 Compadre in Solo to sign up. Then he got Danny in as well. Ivry signed up and we were all good to go!! 

Yaron has been praying for his return to happen ever since he got hurt. To be serious for a second. Yaron is not just an amazing QB but he has brought great talent to Jewball, he made us website. He also Keeps track of stats for Mighty, and brought the controversial league into Jewball life. He’s done a lot for Jewball. Outside of Jordan our Commish there aren’t too many dedicated people like Yaron. I personally was happy to see him back. Which is why I offered to play D. We all know my talent level isn’t anywhere near Yaron but we need him healthy for himself and for better football. An argument can be made that he shouldn’t of played this week and he should keep resting, but that was his call. 

Yaron lined up with Gronk, Beast, Solo, Ivry, Salem, and Danny. PJ’s was Defense for Yaron. Vs Pray with Some of his birds, Prime and Goldberg along with Ross, Storm, Kut, and Whisky. Yaron started the game with some handoffs and short throws but this led to stalled drive. Pray was using his talent and moving down the field. Pray fakes a run and finds a wide open Whisky who catches and runs for a 40 yard TD. 1-0 Pray. Yaron knows he got talent. So he looks towards Gronk who tries to one hand a throw that lands in his teammates Ivrys hands and he’s off to the races and we are tied up. Ivry picks off Pray on the next drive inside the 20. Yaron showing some rust stalls out at 3 yard line. Pray utilizes Ross and finds him deep and he’s off to the races and takes the lead back 2-1. Yaron answers driving his team down the field. Hits Ivry on a beautiful 30 yard sideline bullet to Ivry and then Finds Salem who makes a diving catch keeping the ball off the ground at the 10 yard line. Yaron bullets it in Gronk. We are tied back at 2. Pray isn’t deterred. The man defense set up by Yaron’s team is just no match. Pray decides to take matters into his own hands and out runs everyone for a long TD run. Yaron answers though with strike to Beast. We are all tied. You know it’s strange that Storms name hasn’t been mentioned much today well he missed a few interception opportunities but he was laser focused on offense. Pray finally finds Storm in the end zone to take a 4-3 lead. Yaron stalls out. Kuts and Whiskeys pressure finally does some damage. Pray wants to end this game at 11:05 and so he drives his team down the field and hits a wide open Goldberg for a 50 yard catch and touchdown. Yaron isn’t ready to go down like that. He gets the ball and is ready to drive. Unfortunately Whisky gets hurt taking down Beast on first down catch. PJ’s come in. Yaron is forced into a 4th and long and is sacked by PJ’s to end the game. Tough loss for Yaron but it’s just great to see that gunslinger out there. 

Game 2 Jewball should go to Pray as well. 4 TD passes and rushing TD as well. Kut had 2 sacks as an honorable mention.