Week 15 Recap

A PJ’s perspective recap: Jewball has been a staple in my life since I started back in 2007. B-sh invited me to play football little did I know what this 14 year relationship would be. I took a 5 year hiatus in 2013 that I still regret it… but I was starting a new job and had a new kid and I was in so much pain daily.  I thought those were my priorities, boy did i forget what Jewball means to so much of us. Seeing what Singer and Steve- O chatted yesterday, each Sunday means so much for all of us. I know that last year when I had a death in my family playing let me clear my mind. And when I had another family albeit distant relatives death this past week from COVID, getting out there and playing in these games is just so cathartic.  Love this Jewball family… Ok personal sharing time is over…. 

This week signups were low with some Jewballers getting tans in Florida, celebrating Simcha’s, and some just recovering from injuries. Gronk backed out to recover and we were left without a QB for game 2. Goldberg steps up by helping game 1 happen with his plus 1 and then saves game 2 when Rami his plus 1 steps in and makes a competitive game 2 at QB…..More on that later. 

Game 1 has the matchup of the season. Feels like Aikman vs Young weekly. Usually a close matchup each time. But it’s fun to play when these two gun slingers are on. Pray lined up with Storm, Beast (on time), Tabak, Steve-O, whisky, and Sting vs Feit’s not so much Feit club, but it features Singer, Prime, Goldberg, Rami, Vegh, and PJ’s.

The real feel at game time was probably zero degree’s. I offer everyone breakfast on me not to play but these Jewballers care more about football then hypothermia. Oh F—k you guys for your tans and hot weather. You should all need to sit out a week for that crap. Ok back to the game…. it looks like a classic Defensive battle early. Singers blitzing game plan against Pray early is working. Rami picks up a sack and gets good pressure between him and singer. Sting gets hurt but stays in the game.  Feit’s team is just not getting any real yards or completions. Bunch of 3 and outs. But Feit’s defense gets a big picks on Pray by Rami and Prime in the end zone. Nothing seems to be working for either team. Pray throws another ball on the run on Rami has the pick and a return but knocks the ball into the air into the arms of storm who runs it’s all the way and now it’s 1-0 Pray. Feit’s team is still struggling on offense to find rhythm. Beast and whisky are getting in and getting sacks they total 5 on the morning combined. Pray finds Tabak on a nice catch and run to take 2-0 lead. Feit’s team couldn’t grab flags. They also dropped 3 picks, Goldberg, Vegh, and Rami. It’s now 9 am. Singer is trying to motivate his QB and team. Feit drives the team down the field with good short passes to singer and Goldberg. Then he heaves a 30 yard pass to the back of the end zone and hits Prime with 3 balls in for a TD. Next Pray drive singer with a pick 6 and we are all tied at 2. Prager sees the clock and knows that he needs to use up the clock. They are running every play now. Pray to the right or the left and he’s getting first downs. Feit’s team struggling with getting flags and Prays team are blocking. Pray hits Beast on a screen and he goes all the way to take the lead. Feit’s team isn’t able to get anything going and Singer goes down with a knee injury. Feits team is deflated. End of another failed drive. Enters Faux PJ’s who happens to be Prays brother in law. You know when he came in for Singer that only great things would happen and then Pray gets the ball again and runs it’s for a 90 yard TD game over. Pray 4- Feit 2. 

Game 2: with Sting being Stung he has to leave and game 2 looks like it will be 6’s. Someone needs to come. So we go to the chat and no one responds. I decided to hang out and play a few drives to allow them to have 7’s for a short time. I ended up leaving for 10-15
Minutes and then returned so no one had to sit. Shalom Bayis rule #1 if you’re going to lie, have every story planned out so it’s believable and you don’t get caught. And check that Primes couch has room. Back to the game… we have Pray coming off a win ready to roll with Storm, Ivry, Vegh, Salem, Faux PJ’s (Josh, Prays brother in law), and PJ’s vs Rami ( who’s a very solid backup QB and overall player, Goldberg did good!), Prime, Goldberg, Tabak, Beast, Whisky, and Jack “freakin” Ross. 

This game starts off slow. Both teams trying to find themselves. Rami gets sacked tackled by the real PJ’s on his second drive. Pray is finally able to get going by shitting Storm to take a 1-0 lead. Pray would strike again hitting Ivry and taking a 2-0 lead. Rami didn’t want to go down like this so he abandons his conservative play calling and fakes a run right to find a wide open Jack Ross in the middle of the field who takes to to the house and out runs even Pray for a 70 yard TD. And now we have a game. Pray says to Rami. I’ll use my best target again. Ivry lined up as TE, catches a screen pass and avoids Goldberg and the rest of the team to take a 3-1. Prays is looking like he’s going to have a 2 win day. Prime says no my Birds of Prey teammate, I want this one. Rami hits Prime on a short pass and he avoids 3 tackles and takes it the house to make it 3-2. Pray is stalling though. And Rami gets the ball back with 10 minutes to go. And drives down the field gets to the red zone. But Pray’s Defense is getting pressure and making plays. Forces Rami into a 4th and goal at the 11. Rami looks for one man on this field who has height and hands, throws up a ball in the end zone and of course Ross makes an amazing jumping catch to tie the game. Pray gets the ball back to take the lead and gets a good drive going but is backed up into a 4th a long at the 30 and can’t complete it. Tie ball game.

Game 1- Jewball should go to Beast although he did drop a wide open TD. But he had 2.5 sacks and the go ahead TD. 

Game 2- would’ve gone to Ivry or Ross but ended in a tie. 

Signup will be when J says so…. Great week of fun everyone. Sting and Singer I hope you heal quickly. We might get Snow next Sunday…