Week 15 Recap

On a bus from Jerusalem to Bet Shemesh so have some time.
Let’s see….Week 15….I had to set up the field because Yaron was injured and out, though he showed to observe, which was excellent. Setting up the field with the sun shining as Jewballers roll in – with the full potential of the Week bursting with promise. Nothing like that unknown. Who will win? Lose? Get hurt? Have the game of their lives? Its almost better than the game itself.
Forgot the other variable. Who wont show. That’s always been a Jewball question. Unfortunately….been Storm a bunch. Sorry, bud for the call out since I know how well meaning u are about the game. I know you don’t want to not show and be that guy…but it still is a killer. So Zada and Jordan who were prepared to line-battle wound up rotating in for Storm. Prager was looking to bounce back, but things only got worse for him on the day. He started the game well with a TD pass to Goldberg. So….Dark goes up 1…..wait…what? Goldberg dropped that ball? But it was right in his…oh, never mind. It was the Gronk and Mighty show in Game 1. Gronk, who never met a huddle he liked, is a good enough QB to see the whole in the zones and to just tear it apart. The simplicity with which he broke it down in Game 1 was infuriating. Personally, I bit on a screen to be beat over the top about 4 times. Anyway….the game was not close. Prager, who very well may be done for the season 


 played like a man hurt again. Although there were a few drops that stung him, he could not be his usual aggressive self and the long ball was not there for him. Deep passes fell short and were picked, making matters worse once his team went in a hole. Details are fuzzy but I believe it was a 5-2 finish with Mighty putting up 3. I’m giving Jewball to Mighty because although Gronk won the game and he really makes a big difference on defense (his flag pulling method of getting low is so unique and effective), but a QB needs to call plays to make every player on his team feel motivated and part of something. Its important. Yes, sure you can win without it. He did. But harder to get a Jewball.
Game 2 was a better game. Back and forth  between Gronk and Mo – score for score the entire way through. Gronk and his team in Darm actually looked great the entire game, especially the tandem of Gronk and Vegh. That duo put up 4 TDs. Vegh could not be stopped. But Mo used his weapons well and moved the ball around just enough to keep Dark off balance. Screens to Zada and Prime moved the ball. A few cheats on the line left the long game open and Dark vulnerable to big plays. Twice Colors scored on tipped balls that should have been picked. With a tie score of 5-5 and no time on the clock, Prime gets in the open field and runs for 63 yards to win the game. His numbers once again get him a Jewball. Sorry for abbreviated recap but typing on bus making me nauseous. I guess teams tomorrow night since Game 1 seems to be in flux.