Week 14 – Recap

Score another one for the randomizer. Week 14 put on a show in the sunshine. Two close games and this recapper played in both. So, no excuse for any fuzzy details. Plus, no drama. So, no excuse for the histrionics. Let’s get to the football.
Prime was latest to pull up after 8, but no one is gonna criticize a man with a newborn at home for arriving late. It’s amazing these guys get out. By new rule: Prime is on Dark so Colors gets last licks. 
Dark takes the ball with Pray calling the plays. He lines up with Oppen, Jordan, Prime, Bert, Stats, and….is that a Singer sighting? The No. 1 pick returns after an ankle injury that kept him out for over a month! He tested it the prior TNF game and was ready to kill in Week 14. 
There was some symmetry in the game as it begins with Dachs trying to float one over Jordan and the ball just didn’t have enough air under it. Jordan reaches up and begin his day with a pick. Dark starts its day with a bonus possession. The possession did not turn into points. Pray was bit unsure of himself as he continues to grit his way to full speed football. Would that self-doubt translate into an L?
Dachs got himself right quickly. With weapons like Dax, Storm, Gronk, Beast, O, and the newly platinum Stella at his disposal, it was only a matter of time. With his patented mix of stop and go outs, Colors got on the board first with yet another Dachs to Dax TD. But Pray bounced right back. First with a P6 to knot things up and 1 and then mixing in QB runs with….QB runs, Pray made it to the red zone where he rolled right and threw left. A 20 yard strike to an open Oppen who made the first TD of his Jewball career look easy. Dark takes a slim lead.
At this point, the shadows had disappeared from the field and it was blindingly bright. The back and forth middle portion of the game began. It was a punch for punch affair. And by punch, I mean both TDs and picks. Was not the cleanest game for our esteemed QBs, with Dachs throwing 4 interceptions and Pray tossing 3. In the midst of the picks, Dachs went to Tabak like Purdy to Kittle in the left corner of the endzone. But, in the end, after a Storm TD – putting him one behind TD Leader Zinn who is out again tomorrow – it was 3-2 Colors with 10 minutes left and Dachs with the ball. As broken down on Praymakers, Dachs made his second underthrow of the day over Jordan and Jordan left the ground to get this one, giving Dark a pulse. On the next play, with Pray running 70 yards down the sideline and Singer turned into Miley Cyrus. Lead-blocking like a wrecking ball. This got Dark down to the 4. Screen out to Prime and Prime battles his way in. A bit of controversy on this one as Dax wound up with Primes flag as both of them were in the end zone, but it could not be determined if the flag was pulled before Prime had three balls in. There wasn’t enough evidence to overturn the non-call, so that was the game tie-er. With time expired we went college and it was Singer time once again. Pray to Singer gives Dark the lead for good as Dachs’ drive stalled. A strong game, but the win goes to the QB that made one fewer mistake. And that’s football sometimes. Jewball to Singer for the sparkling comeback. He does the big stat plays with the big plays that don’t show up on in the box score. Jump on his back and you will have a lot of Ws. Welcome back, brother.
Game 2 was equally tight, with a comeback in store as well. All aboard the Perla train! As White was given team Dark and MK, Rook, Tom, Spira, DK, and Jordan to help him get his much coveted Ws. But in his way is a man who may not be as celebrated or trendy, but brings it every time he is on the field. And by “It” I mean unpredictability. Will it be picks and drops or pure and precise magic. Daveo was Late Man Standing so Yaron “9 Yard Line” Markfeld took ball first and proceeded to start the game just as Dachs did – by throwing a pick to Jordan. But Jordan decided to decline the gift and handed the ball back to its intended recipient Waldo. With the drive kept alive, Jordan kept getting beat, biting on a Yaron run and getting beat over the top by Waldo. Rook started at safety and also got beat early. The result, a bullet to Yaron over the middle and a TD for the Godfather of Jewball. As he does quite well, Perla calmed the situation and began a methodical drive. White Goodman does everything methodical. Riding mostly Rook’s speed and shiftiness, Perla directed Rook to run along the sideline! The advice was sound and contributed to Rook having a 134 yard day and a score. Perla did not complete a pass over 12 yards the entire day. But it didn’t matter. A W is a W and Perla was doing enough to give his team that win. Including rising up along with Kut on a jump ball and coming down with a pick. In addition, he threw two TDs to Tom and a one to Jordan that Jordan slid for and brought in an inch off the turf. 4 scores is usually enough. But on this day it wasn’t. It’s a cliché, but Yaron’s Colors team just wanted it more. Waldo, Whiskey, Storm, Kut, Daveo, and Rabin wanted it more. They played with fire and aggression – blocking down field, pressuring Perla, and pulling flags. Dark was missing flags and getting pushed around. Dark had a second half 4-2 lead, but Yaron and Colors kept coming. TD to Daveo. Bam! TD to Whiskey! Smash! TD to Storm. Stat! It’s Yaron with  the win and the Jewball, as he rallies his squad to victory -throwing 5 TDs to 5 different receivers. Very special day for our man in Panama.