Week 14 Recap

On this snowy morning, hard not to think football – and specifically Yaron getting bodied by Tom like a punk ass ho. 
But I digress-
Short day for me and short recap. I’m heading down south for a week. Driving, so will make the requisite football stops along the way. Any Panthers or Jaguars fans…hit me up.
I did catch the end of Week 14 Game 1. Y’know there is a part of me that wants to write a whole recap about Pray. The guy is having an MVP season, and I watch him and just think – damn, he could be so much better. Now, that isn’t really fair. I’ve never been as good as him, plus I’m hobbled in the present. So who am I to criticize? But, then I think…I’m not being critical. I’m not even just saying. I’m actually a fan. And I want Jewball to be its best. So when I watch him lose to Gronk in Game 1 by a score of 3-1 and some people are telling me that the teams aren’t fair or whatever….first of all – the teams were fair – yer a bitch. And also….eveyone needs to step up their game. Pray, you say hike….take 5 steps back and start running – mostly to your right. Does it work for you? Sure, the numbers say it does. You win a lot. You produce a lot. But, I guess what I am saying is….you should lose even less! Start thinking – 2 steps back, forget the pressure for 2 seconds….and see….just see everything that is before you. Don’t see the rush. See ALL your options. See that your guys are open all over the place – and unleash that cannon. I promise, good things will happen. A lot more easy buckets. You are just working too damn hard. And I saw while I was there…..Singer gameplanned for you. And he got a Jewball out of it. The key is to neutralize the Singers and Munches of the world by getting rid of that ball in 2 seconds. 
Speaking of working too hard, no one makes it easier for himself than Gronk. His understanding of the mechanics of being a QB – the simplification of the data in his mind – jumps off the page when you watch him play. Probably why he is always smirking. He almost doesn’t understand why the opposing QB wouldn’t do exactly what he is doing. Hike, step back, get rid of the ball. 
Anyway, I did see the whole Game 2 and it was a good one. Back and forth until the end. The first five possessions were for scores. Some sloppiness on the defense. Whether it be guys sneaking behind the safety (Ross?) or running for extra yards after the catch (Daveo?) It was a lot of Gronk and Storm in the early going for stats. I recall a quintessential Goldberg stiff-arm fest that was just spectacular. Prime was working it with Pray. Honestly, my memory of the details at some point gets hazy. Was really cold and I started talking to Ivry about how we are basically NFL players. Anyway, Gronk was up 5-3 and looking unstoppable on offense. I though the game was over. Think all of a sudden the entire Dark Team decided they didn’t want to lose. Salem and Beast poured on the sacks (2 apiece) and Pray found running lanes. Honestly, in a flash it was 6-5 Dark. The game ended on a Goldberg P6  from Dark’s 8, to make it seem like the game was closer than it was. Prime gets the Jewball for the offensive outburst and the W. 
Who wants Week 15?