Week 13 Recap

A little more than three years ago, I wrote a woe-is-me recap following a Turkey Bowl during an otherwise lost season. A season where Jewball may have hit its lowest point – having joined Croton – just so that games would be played and the name Jewball would survive. I missed the end of that season with a torn tendon in my finger (courtesy of Goldberg) but….was no great loss. Jewball was no great prize. Fixed the tendon, rehabbed it back….and the past few seasons have been such a miracle – icing on the cake of my career playing this game. Thank you all for giving me a way to get injured that feels entirely worth it as well as the motivation to put in the work and come back better than ever. I have a birthday this Saturday. I will be 43 and ready to kick ass when I come back – whether it be in a month or next season. Long live Jewball.
Week 13 was a League Week and that meant the usual increased intensity going in. We had the heavyweight battle at 8am with Birds taking on Feit Club, followed by a contest between two reeling squads, 193 and Ass Men.
I’ll be honest – it was cold at Lawrence High School at 8am, but I expected a bigger crowd for this bout. I was there….eventually with Sting, but that was about it. Pray against Feit in a game with stakes! Come on, Jewballers! League action at its finest.
But…y’know what? Maybe the fans stayed away because they knew what I did not. That the action would be limited. Sure, there were productive drives – but most of them stalled. And I’m not even sure if I could give credit to either defense. I think the theme for the day was missed opportunities. QBs and receivers just missing their marks. Open targets overthrown. Open receivers not targeted. No need to create the tension where there was none. For the majority of the game, it was all Feit Club. Feit to Mighty for two TDs and two more almost TDs  (just out of the reach of Mighty going full blazing speed). Kut and Gronk being super disruptive and sacking Pray off nonstop. Daveo with a timely pick. Even without a game changer in Beast, the Feit Club came to play and cemented themselves as the top team in Jewball 2020-2021. That is not to say that the Birds couldn’t have won this game. Vegh, even with his TD…which only came off a Mighty tip – did struggle a bit early on in making much needed clutch grabs for his Birds. It was Prime being the most reliable and professional of the Birds’ receivers – showing the kind of game needed to get the Birds to the promised land. Goldberg matched that intensity once in the game and it was on that scoring drive – a joyful, gritty display of stiff arming. Ken Yirbu. In the end, it came down to a final drive. Pray and his Birds with an opportunity to tie. Pray, as he did most of the game, earned some very hard fought first downs with his legs (although in my opinion – his success will be measured on him becoming better at getting rid of the ball quicker, throwing from the pocket, and finding that opening man in his first progression) – and with the clock wound down – and a 4th and goal from the 20 he threw a prayer to his tallest receiver. Actually, a catchable ball for Goldberg – but no catch made. Birds lose and I got lucky since I didn’t need to argue about overtime…..or so I thought. Bottom line: Birds and Feit club basically played to a draw, but Feit Club wins because –generally – they wanted it more. Jewballs to Kut and Gronk for the 8 sacks. Keeping Pray from running free, making up for the last minute loss of Beast, and showing what “wanting it more” looks like. Please send a charity each to the main chat. Let’s change the world, Jewballers.
So, let’s address the rules for a second. I respect that clarity is needed. I ask you to respect that there may not be a clear rule – essentially because there has never been. Yes, all Vets are correct – we play last licks. I’m not going to argue that. But let’s also acknowledge that other factors have come into play. The time. Who has to leave.  Of course the score (big difference of whether we are playing for the tie or the win). I will begin with the most obvious point: We have never had League Games before. So, with all due respect the Vets, to compare a League Game – which by its nature is different – to the prior 20 or so years of Jewball is already a flawed pursuit. That is first consideration. So what is different between League and non-League. I would look at 2 things 1.) Schedule and 2.) Critical outcome. Two things that matter less in average Week. Meaning, with Leagues….we have 14 people waiting to get on and start on time and because there are seeds, we would like a winner and a loser (of course that didn’t happen in Game 2 for other reasons).
So, without explaining further why I said – if Pray scored, we would go to a tie breaker OT from the 25 (with Feit Club getting ball last) – I am merely here to address and enlighten that additional considerations were at play above and beyond what Jewball “usually” does.
To Game 2. First off, always great seeing Flash return to our game. He brings an energy, warmth, and star quality that truly lights up a field. When he ran around to everyone on the Ass Men to say whats up before the game, Is said, “See…this guy is just too nice.” He looked at me and replied, “Yeah, but I’m also a killer.” Well, it’s true – he is, but so is Munch.
The headline story with Game 2 was Malik and Rabin missing their guys all over the place – occasionally making a big play – and just doing enough to tie. The real story was Solo and Munch – absolutely terrorizing their opposing QBs and collapsing on screens. Munch, with fury and violence. Solo, with violence and fury. Malik, usually a major threat to break off a huge run at any moment was completely kept in check by Munch, MK, and Singer. Rabin was kept in check by putting just a bit too much on the ball. On a play that may have sealed the win for the Ass Men, a  flea flicker to Storm set up a pass to Jordan on a 3rd and long, but the pass was over thrown and Jordan tore a muscle leaping for it. A play later, Jordan blew his coverage and Malik found Danny deeeeeep for a 193 score. Afew plays later, Solo tackled Rabin and hobbled the Ass Men QB. With the clock having run, with the injuries and the ineptitude – the two teams had enough – calling it a draw. Congrats to 193 for the non-loss. What to build on.
Who wants Week 14?