Week 12 Recap

In typical Prima donna fashion, Silent J and Yabron go on vacation and decide this week’s game shouldn’t count for the regular season. We could prob just add it to the list of poor decisions being made this season, (Jewball recipients, ahem, cough cough) but with the uproar and hoopla from the general public, it was decided that Week 12 will count! That means Stats are in play. Due to people being away and fear of the cold, there would only be 1 game, 8:30-10:15. 

Weather was looking cold, but nice, until Sat night when a nor’easter blew in from the south bringing with it freezing rain, sleet, hail and 6 inches of snow (Not to be confused with MVP) Suddenly, guys started dropping out; stomach ailments, pneumonia, and general pussyitis were the excuses. 

“Game is ON!” Declares Commish from the airport. (Rumor has it that he’s interviewing for the soon-to-be-open Roger Goodell position.) With all the dropouts, we have uneven numbers, but Vegh smells an opportunity to sleep in and offers to sit this one out. (Some may question his dedication, but it takes a lot to give up playing, so we’ll assume he was taking one for the team) 

Sunday morning woke us up with a promise of cold but not freezing weather. As game time gets closer, Rabin is trying his best to get just one more, even manages to get Rabin Jr. out of bed, but alas, it’s too little, too late. Game will be 6’s. Reports from the field inform us that A) field is clear and B) Aside from J and Yaron, no one has a clue how to set up the field. (Pretty sure field was 5 yards longer this week then every other week)(Which explains why we were so winded. Hi Munch!) by the time 8:30 rolls around Everyone is at the field and the sun is starting to shine. As the game progressed, the weather got nicer. By the time the game was over we couldn’t have asked for more perfect football weather. 

In addition to field setup, we need to give a serious amount of credit to Yaron for compiling all the stats every week and to Jordan for remembering all the plays and writing the recap. Seriously, guys, take a moment and reach out to thank them! …………..

I cannot remember every play in sequential order, but I do remember most of the significant plays. 

Favorite play has got to be Tabak/Wilmer/Fez catching a beautiful pass and then running, juking, sashaying, and prancing down the field with an incredible burst of speed. Zada had his usual great defensive game including 2 picks, but I’m pretty sure his pants are still in the middle of the field where Jeremy absolutely broke his ankles. 

Line play was very solid on both sides of the ball. Rabin gets Sacked by Kut 3 times and Steve 2 (maybe 3) times. Rabin clearly remembers Steve getting knocked down at the line by Munch yet still manages to reach out, grab Rabin’s ankle and just brings him down like a rag doll. On the opposite side, Munch does his usual and wreaks havoc and chaos, shutting down the left side and sacking Pringle 3 times. Singer has a great game as well and takes a defensive series on the line and gets a sack of his own. 

Now to the QB’s, Rabin calls a great game, but clasically fails to follow through on his call in the huddle. When he does what he says he’ll do, things go well and with lots of screen, run plays, and creative passing he’s able to get his team to score 3 times. He did throw 3 picks which is pretty decent compared to Yaron, but in this game, it’s just too many turnovers. On the dark side of the ball, Pringle has a solid game throwing for 3 TD’s, rushing 1 and keeping his team going. 

Lots of good ball movement on both sides of the ball, including passes to Tom, (Who had his longest play in the last 4 years) TD passes to Prime, Zada and Singer helped get the colors to 3. 

Pringle used his weapons well and spread the offense to all his receivers, Kut, Steve, Goldberg and TD’s to Dobs and Tabak (2). 

Overall, was a very good game. Final score is 5-3. Colors had a chance to make the game just a touch closer, but on 4th and short, they failed to connect and Dark happily took over. 

I know many people read the recap just to see their names, to relive their own personal glory (Hell, that’s why I read it.) and to find out who receives, what used to be a coveted “award” fondly known as the Jewball. The decision of who receives the Jewball is not a popular vote, it’s not an electoral vote, it’s not a vote at all. It’s decided by the writer of the recap (Check the bylaws, there is precedent for it.) So, on this occasion, with Commishaway on meetings (Perhaps signing a franchise agreement between Jewball and the NFL) I have the unique opportunity to choose this weeks Jewball recipient. 




The Jewball award for this week goes to Pringle! He’s great as a QB but an even better safety. Pulling down 2 picks, 1 which he takes to the house to give Dark the lead. He also flew from across field to block that pivotal last drive by colors. I don’t think anyone would argue. (except for Beast. Has anyone heard from him?) 

Looking forward to Week 13. Please wait for Jordan to open the sign up.
