Week 11 Recap – Part 2

So, let’s say we had a first here and I recap a Week 11 Game 2 after a Week 12. Whe I slip, I slip hard.
And I’m especially hurt by this sequence of events, because my whole shtick about 💦💦💦 goes to waste due to him actually having player this week. Plus, now that he is on the chat, it would he a disgrace to go into how we all that he was Yaron’s imaginary friend/fantasy. You should have seen Yarons face when he couldnt track 💦💦💦 down. It was pure misery. But, meanwhile, you must fight water with 🔥🔥🔥 and our fiery Johny 🌩 was also MIA. So it was 6s for Game 2. And this one was kind of bleak affair. On the one side you had a fresh legged Pringle ready to pop off and on the other side you had Yaron playing Game 2 kinda hurt. The guy is a QB and seems to mash his thumb evey single game and act like he is out for the season, but then play the whole game….no pussyitis there at all. But he was banged up. As was Daveo early on after a collision with Mo. So there goes Color’s number 1 defender and always an offensive threat. Remember, btw, it is sunny and like 60 degrees…..so insane beautiful day for football, but injuries dont care about the weather. When they strike, they strike. Gronk was also not himself physically after the Game 1 QB stint. Hobbled. Rusty. One of those. It was kind of one of those unwinnable games for Colors due to the injuries. HOWEVER, Yaron has no quit in him and he believed – for 90%- of the game, that he would still win. And that’s a beautiful and powerful thing. I know Kut complimented my memory before, but this has been a while. I know Prager and Dark scored first. And second. I’m feeling like it was Prime with the big day. MK and Tom lead blocking and Prime just running it hard. I also recall Mo catching one over Jordan and winning a very close footrace to endzone. Prager ran one in as well. It was kind of joke. Colors was slow and banged up and had no real answers. Yaron had few weapons at his disposal but he was off the mark anyway. Close, but not his sharp self. Sadly, I do not recall the final score, but I know it was one sided. I remember Steveo had a great one handed grab and run. I’m sure Ari had a TD since he and Yaron have a nice thing going. And I’m sure Pringle got himself another Jewball. 😉. Kid is running away with the MVPs. Hey, Yaron…..you better start beating this dude. Who wants WEEK 13?