Week 11 – Recap

The irony is that the Greeks represented enlightenment, which was very attractive to the Jews. It still is. Logic, reason, aesthetic beauty. Who could argue with that. The godliness in man is apparent. It’s seductive. It’s empowering. Faith is hard. Checking our ego is hard. Giving ourselves over to a higher power is hard. This was the battle of Chanukah beyond the battle on the field. Jewball faces that battle this weekend. With the back to back Maccabowl and Jesus Bowl in brutal conditions. Logic, reason, and the love of our physical bodies tells us to stay inside. But this is Jewball. We are built on faith. We believe that there is a higher calling. We do not do the sensible thing and give in to the pressures of an “enlightened” society. We do what’s difficult. What’s crazy.  Because we know better.

Week 11 featured good classic non League football. Both games were one sided, but it was clean, argument-free football, with players just putting in the work. I arrived to a tie game just in time to see a Rook pick of Dachs followed by a smokin hot TD pass from Yaron to Goldberg. Smokin hot Yaron was the theme of that game. And smokin hot Goldberg was the theme of the day. I filmed much of the game and it was close for a while. Think Storm on offense defending a Stats pick (welcome back Stats!) then tipping it to himself for a TD made it 3-2….but that was the last score Dachs would put up. The Rookie QB had his least effective day as Jewball QB and Yaron had one of his supremely on days where he not only poses for the cameras but thrills the crowd. He piled on a bit with Zinn doing Zinn shit. Taking the ball behind the line with the run pass option and being extremely dangerous at both. Although Yaron could get the Jewball, you know it’s Goldberg.

Game 2 was White Goodman’s Purple Cobras v. Pray. This game took place before the Jets tanked their season, btw. What is interesting about Perla is that he backs up his talk. He says winning is all that matters. He plays like it. He rallies like it. And his team buys in. Pray jumped out to a lead, scoring two TDs with Goldberg and one with Jordan. It was 3-2 Pray and it really looked like Perla would not be able to compete due to his limited range. Not that Ernie was having his best game, but he went down with an injury early and the complexion of the game changed. Rook joined Pray. Perla stopped cheering his team on from the sidelines on defense and joined the fray. Almost immediately, DK tied up the game with a block that turned into a P6.
The game was then decided on the line. DK and Salem v. Sam and Whiskey. Yes, one line is better than other, BUT this is no place for excuses. This is a place to challenge yourself and push yourself to get better and better. Stronger and more agile and more of a threat. And if you aren’t doing that or trying to do that, you are failing yourself and failing Jewball. This is what Goldberg was rightly enraged about last Sunday. Pray’s team failed themselves in Week 11. We couldn’t stop the screens and runs and slants and the simple but reliable offense Perla was running. DK caught 2 TDs and Prime had a run for the ages. It was Prime’s run that put the dagger in his BFF Pray, but it was DK doing everything to assure his team the win. Jewball to DK for an incredible performance.

Want to once again express my awe and gratitude. Wednesday was a continuance of the miracles and light of recent years. We are blessed. See you all at the Maccabowl tomorrow. Dress warm. I’ll bring the coffee and donuts.