WEEK 1 Recap

Courtesy of Kuti

The game that almost was

The golden season was set to begin. Months of anticipation, weeks of preseason and countless gifs and memes lead to this moment. “Week 1! Who wants some?” Were the words we were all waiting to hear from Commissioner Jordan. Like birds to seeds, the “Ins” started streaming in, but wait, false start! Sign up will begin Wednesday morning, not Tuesday night, as originally planned. (Much to the delight of those on the West Coast) Rise and Shine pretty boys! The official count has begun, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 14….Games full, in only a matter of minutes. Perhaps a double game? was the request. 15, 17, 20….Could it be possible?! Is this Jewball? Maybe it really is the Golden Season. The commissioner throws out a Hail Mary…Should we go Tourney? Maybe, if we can get 4 more and have at least 4 decent QB’s. Apparently, Eddie’s got another son who knows how to throw. Count is locked at 24. 6v6 tournament is official, teams to come Friday.

With bated breath we waited like sheep at the petting zoo. Teams are announced, each one stacked more than the next. Getting 24 guys out on the field is a miracle in and of itself, but the quality and talent that signed up was even more impressive! On paper, it looked like Cleveland going up against New England  (Before the season started …what a disaster) The hype was real, the teams were real, Quality Jewball was back in session.

Rumor has it that Beast was in the gym 24 hours straight, fri night-sat night. (Rumor also has it that he bathes in his pink juice every sat night bef game day.)

But wait….Game 1 was too good to be true, we had the numbers, we had the talent, we had the field, only thing we couldn’t control was the weather. Forecast was calling for early light showers and heavy storms at game time. But the call wouldn’t be made until Sunday morning. It was a fitful night for those 24 Jewballers, much like Davy Crocket the night before the Alamo.

The Sunday sun rose and with it rain clouds, not heavy, but looming darkness. 7:30am…Maybe….7:45..not looking good….8am…Game is canceled. We’re not sure if it was the heavens opening up or Yaron’s tears hitting the ground but with a mighty fury the rains came rushing down.

It appears that the tournament is not gonna happen, but…. The rain isn’t too bad, if we can get 14 guys to come, we can still have a game. For a few moments, the sun came out and there was a chance, but that was short lived, like the Dothrake charging through Castile Rock, within moments it was clear that a game just wasn’t going to happen. It was a nice effort and promising potential for what the season has to offer. Looking forward to next week.





Anyone up for a night game? Never in the 73-year history of Jewball, was a game ever played at night. But hey, this is the golden season, anything is possible.

We have a field, we have lights, do we have the numbers? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8…9, 10, 11, 12!! Wait…. 2 are out…. We have 10, for an 8:30 PM!! Game. Can we get 4 more? 75 guys on the chat…just.need.4. it’s like the Giants comeback against the Lions, could it be possible?

Not looking promising, but don’t give up hope yet. Guys are heading to the field, maybe we can recruit a few there. Just need a few more.

8:45PM, much like week 1, the lights have been turned off.

But hey, we can put this in the “Almost Game” stat column. (Right Beast?)