Snow Game – Deep Thoughts

Snow Game – into the mind of sir Violence

The snow games stand out. Of course they do. It’s playing a familiar game in an unfamiliar setting. Jewball on another planet. I’m not sure when we first decided that Jewball in the snow had to be tackle. For sure when we played touch, we played touch in the snow. When we switched to flags….something about flags in the snow seemed dumb. Whatever the case, it has become a tried and true Jewball tradition. One that many look forward to. Also one that many automatically want no part of. Some find the concept of tackle horrifying. I find it exhilarating. There is absolutely nothing like it. I think one reason for that is – it encapsulates and accentuates one of the lesser appreciated but integral elements of Jewball. And that is….staying young! Listen, I don’t know why I can or still want to play football at 43….but I do know I haven’t taken a season off since I was 23. So….is that it? Is Jewball the fountain of youth? Who knows. But it has to be a factor. And it’s not just the physicality of it. Sure, you can be 43 and in great shape (which I am not) but still be a grumpy bitter broken crank (which my wife and kids would say I am….but they are totally biased). Jewball exercises your mind body and spirit. I don’t care…I’ll say it….Jewball let’s you play like a kid….no matter your age. And that matters! The part of you that says it doesn’t matter and Commish is wrong – THAT’S THE PART THAT WANTS YOU TO GET OLD! Resist it with whatever you got! Fight! Fight! Fight! Acting like a kid once a week is awesome! And it keeps you young! So….where was I…oh yeah….snow! The tackle games in the snow are uniquely kid-like. Adults don’t play in the snow! Adults shovel snow. Adults begrudgingly play with their kids in the snow. Adults ski (privileged ones….Mighty probably skis. Yaron for sure). Kids play! Yes, we take our football seriously! As we should and as we must! But if it happens to snow, and the snow is just right – once in a while – every few years – we get a chance to really be kids again. And I don’t say this to belittle what we do, but really to aggrandize it. I think it’s magic. I think people who belittle it…..well, they’re old and broken.

Snow games are also great because there is something about them that just slows down the pace of play. While that is usually a bad thing….it’s not when the world around you is a colorless wasteland.

We somehow flashed through half a season. Where does the time go? And sometimes a game that you have been looking forward to all week, zips by and it feels like you blinked once between the opening and final drives. It’s not that you didn’t appreciate the game, but you are caught up in the game – the stats, the action – and you never take a moment to sit back:

Whoa…..I’m out here with my brothers, healthy enough to play the game I love, lucky enough to be counted amongst this brilliant fellowship. I mean, how can you possibly reflect in such a profound way when there are routes to run and stats to count? The answer is…you really can’t. But no so for the snow games. Something about the pace and the atmosphere. You take that time. You look around. You see your brothers. You feel your health and vitality. You acknowledge your luck. When the snow started coming down early in the game – not enough to obstruct the view – just enough to infuse wonder – you looked around – you took it all in. There was no mistaking it or faking it. You’re a kid again.

Actual Game Recap and Week 10 Jewball presentation before the Jesus Bowl.