Effie Allman

Current Team
Feit Club, Jewball, Team Colors, Team Dark
Past Teams
Birds of Pray

Jewball Name: Allman

Year Joined: 2015

Fields Played on: Number 6 School (now HALB,) LHS (grass,) LHS Turf, North Woodmere Park, Woodmere Middle School

Best Moments/Memories:
My first Jewball multi-touchdown game, Preseason 2016. (Because all my big plays only happen during the preseason and bowl games Emoji) Both passes were from Dave-O, first TD was a short bullet at the goal line while the second was a long bomb down the sideline caught in stride.
Jewball is an enigma. 2 hours of football that mean everything and nothing at the same time. We all want to play hard and come out on top, but, at the end of the day, even our worst games and loses are forgiven and forgotten as we move on to the next week. This league has been a constant in my life since the first game I played in back in 2015 and I’m glad to be a part of it.


SeasonClubGWinLossTieTDINTRec TDRush TDSacksDef INTPick 6Jewballs