Special Awards

Captain of the Year – 2023 Season

This year’s Captain of the Year (COY) was a difficult choice. A great captain leads his squad, or in some cases a team of subs, from the front lines (and sometimes the sidelines). This diamond studded, snake-eyed captain and leader of the Purple Cobras, the Sheriff Wrangler, AKA White Goodman, AKA Mother of Perl, T-dog “Scott” Perla is the 2023 season COY. While his team did not always win on the field, Perla never gives up. He is a down to earth athlete and when up against PJs a down on the earth player. He battles with a real chip on his finger and a ship on his mind.

They say he likes short quick plays, but given the chance and this COY will throw a nice deep ball and hopefully one day he will draft someone who can catch it. While game management is not easy, he knows a tipped ball is not Enough and makes the tough calls to bench players. He knows its sacks that win games and no one has a bigger sack than this COY. Perla is a man who will step up on defense when needed and has played receiver on occasion. He is a well-rounded player that chose a well-rounded team, he just needs to round them up on Sundays and make sure they know when and where the game is. While sporting royal purple, this king cobra is a silent killer who surrounded himself with great size and keeps his eyes on the prize. Armed with sleeves and no-sleeves simultaneously (confusing Spira) and a wristful of plays for most of his receivers, Perla is no grey circle he is a true COY.

 -The Jewball Non-Captains Athletics Associations (J-NCAA)

Captain of the Year – 2022 Season

Captain of the Year (CoY) is not always an obvious choice, sometimes you get stuck between two yearns and feel conflicted. As a captain you need confidence in your team, but mostly in yourself. You need to be able to lead your team and have people see you as a leader. Off field it is good to be funny, smart, a great communicator, analytical and have great timing, but a true captain, or a CoY, knows to leave that all behind when he steps on to the field. On the gridiron, there is no giving up and no quit in him, he saves that for after the game like only a CoY would and he always returns, because there’s always another Sunday.

The winner of this season’s Captain of the Year goes to the man who bleeds green, Feit, “The Fight” Feet. While others may have counted him out, we don’t watch that show either. Some will say he went from the most surprising draft night to, again, the most surprising draft night. This guy is great with the picks on and off the field. He makes some spectacular throws that no one can deny and if you didn’t know he will tell you. As an originator, he mastered ‘same player’ years before ‘same play’. He’s not just talk, he is also Jets talk. This captain proves that even though you can have the best team, anything can happen any given Sunday.
Congratulations! You have earned this.

 -The Jewball Non-Captains Athletics Associations (J-NCAA)

Captain of the Year – 2021 Season

After much discussion and consideration on the Non-Captains chat, we have decided upon Captain of the Year (CoY). So let’s talk about what makes you a CoY. First you need to be a captain. This is not always by choice, but the one with the most captainess in him usually will step up when others don’t and make himself a captain. The CoY will tell other captains what needs to be done and make decisions no one cares about. They will stay up late planning and strategizing for games while none of it goes according to plan. They will rearrange schedules and bother their teammates to make sure everyone is there, not just on time, but early in the cold. On and off the field they will talk to you and treat you like they are your captain. It’s a position that never leaves them. It has you say “Such a captain” over and over again. They are ‘take charge’ people with no control. They are idealists without a clue of what’s needed. They would be the most likely to deny all of this and at the same time have excuses of why they needed to do what they did.

The winner of this season’s Captain of the Year goes to, none other than, Yaron “Jabroni” Bronfeld. No matter what happens each week he comes back with his nose held high and his eyes closed. Quick to forget the past and move forward to repeat the same mistakes. He leads great teammates nowhere and does not back down. Saying one thing and doing another, it is hard to be a step ahead of him. The king of using decoys and making a simple thing into one of complex beauty. The sweeper of jets, the motion master, simulator smasher, bag puncher, trash, and his countless other nicknames just show he is a jack of all trades. One day football may be next on his list to master, but today he mastered the art of being a captain. Congratulations! You have earned this. 

 -The Jewball Non-Captains Athletics Associations (J-NCAA)