Jewball History

Oh how far we’ve come..

Here is a snippet of Jewball history.. on the brink, during the Dark Ages. An email by the commish:

So, it took me some time, and I apologize for missing the opportunity to call a game for yesterday, but I think a regrouping is what is needed more than anything else.
Truth is, Daveo had no shot. The list I left him is obsolete. I went through it. I took out the bad email addresses (and probably will still have to do more cleaning up now that I’m in gmail) and I removed the people who asked to be taken off. 
What I am going to do next is the following:
1.) Anyone who does not confirm this email read by Wednesday, I am removing from the list. 
Why? Not to be mean, but it’s a waste. Having 92 people on an email list is irrelevant if 6 people are reading the emails.
2.) On Thursday I am going to send a follow up (and I predict it will be to about 20 people). We will at that point have a list of 20. What we need to do is rebuild the list. With kids. We need players in their 20s and that is the only way to save this game, and, at the very least, when Daveo or someone else does return to take over Jewball, the game has an email list of actual players who are strong and passionate enough to play a 20 game season.
I can’t be the one to end this game. It started before me, and I’m not gonna see it crash on my watch (or close to my watch). If I can play another 2 years and use that time to rebuild the Jewball list, I’ll reture a happy man.
If you are reading this:
1.) Respond saying you read it
2.) If you want to keep this league alive, I need you to put in the time and get me 3-4 names and emails for young people who want to and can play the game (MIRACLE BOWL).
Not sure if we will get a game this Sunday, but let’s see where we are at on Thursday. For sure we should get in a JESUS BOWL and 2017 BOWL.

Avi Soep – Sorry man I’m no longer around for games on a pretty permanent basis. Would you mind removing my email? Sorry again.
Ya gotta be frustrating with so many people consistently not responding and not knowing why.
Good luck though, hope you guys get some games in.
Zezzy – I’m still here but a. Need a season to recover.
Mighty – 1) Read
2) Ill try
Box – I read this. let’s be very clear…I responded that I read it. 🙂
I’m still debating if I’m hanging them up, but I do read every email from this group.  We live in Plainview now, so it’s not as easy to come into the 5 towns as it used to.
Plus, a good friend by me was playing a pickup game…38 years old.  He went up for a ball, landed on his foot and tour his MCL, ACL, PCL, meniscus, and cracked his knee cap.  That was in November and he can’t get surgery until January…really messed up.
Steveo – Tough times,  im still here,  just can’t commit to 20 games yet.  
MVP – oh, the MVP reads, and occasionally is in NY on sundays, like the 8th of january 🙂
Rose – Keep me on.
Effie – Hey Jordan
Effie Allman here
I’m going to work on getting a few more people.
Let’s keep this game alive!
Landau – I readededededed it, i’ll see who i can get. 
Rabin – I read it. I’m in 
Let’s start doing a mad social media campaign 
Should we take out ad in local papers? Serious
O – I never Check this Email Address! Happens to  be I needed something from here today!  My good email is With that being said, I would like to stay  on the list because like you, I believe in Miracles! I don’t know if I will ever be able to play but I believe! and since I made the incredible over dramatic statement…. I actually believe, I am available this Sunday, but I want a really good game.
And lastly, I just got wind of  a north woodmere pick up game in  North woodmere Park at 7:30 A.M Sundays.  I wanted to get a feel for the game before I brought you into the picture (I know, if the games sucks its not worth playing)
p.s. Daveo might be able to play this week due to Christmas is very slow catering day
Tom – Keep my old slow tuch in the email and would love to play Sunday  
Rugby – Yossi Emanuel (rugby) read
Singer – I read it. I do not when the bowls are but I would like to get back into football the way I once was so keep me posted on games and bowls.
Kut – Read and agree.
Ar Grinspan – I read it – I just dont know when I will have my sunday mornings free again, but can and will def play one day again.
Press – I am definitely in.
Played last season and very disappointed by this season. I’m in every single week! I can play qb also if needed. Looking for to a rejuvenated jewball league. Daveo did a good job – let’s make it even better.
You can also add
Yoni Markowitz
Yoni Unger
Yakir – I read it and thank you for all your time and effort! 
I am old and out of shape but still enjoy reading these emails.  Makes me feel young at heart.  That doesn’t help the game except for special Sunday’s where I do not work.  For instance this Sunday, yeshiva’s are off for Chanukah.  I will need to check with the big boss about my availability but I would love to join if i am not taking a regulars spot.  I don’t think I will add skill to the game but a body and effort will be there.
Evan – Sorry forgtt to respond.
Ari Horwitz – I just saw this email now. I have been a bit injured and busy the past weeks but wanted to know if there is a planned game this week. Please let me know. Also I have another email ( mlmahorwitz7@gmail ) which I look at more often.