Yes it’s really happening. No awards. No stats. Just trees and ballers.

Schedule for tonight:
8pm – you are still home
830 – nerds show up
845 – Daf Yomi taught by Klink prior to smoking
9pm – cool kids show up
930pm – maariv
945pm – Daf with Klink while wrecked
10pm – Salem hits the dance floor
1005 pm – Singer and Munch are shirtless
1030 pm – Steveo and Prime start rapping for 4 hours straight
1047pm – B-sh curses out police
11pm – Dobs offers sexual favors to Kut for just one more burger
1108pm – Gronk shows up with 5 drunk girls. One of them is Laura Curran.
1130 pm – E, B-sh and Beast brawl out over based way to cook a steak
Midnight – Yaron starts crying and confessing everything
12:24 am – MK messages asking if we are still on?
1225 am – we tell him yes
1226 am – Legs messages what time?