JEWBALL 2022-2023 – Man of the Year – BIG O

Maybe it’s because he is actually related to the Commish, but it was the Big O who first saw Jewball as family. For him, it was never just a group of random weekend warriors playing a game on Sunday mornings. He saw the group as brothers. He treated the games as battles. He viewed the time as sacred. It caught on. All these years later, he still brings the most passion. He still shows up even when he absolutely cannot – even in work clothes. No one has stripped on the sidelines more often than O. He still loves everyone who goes by the title Jewballer. After all these years, as if he was waiting for the right moment to fully express his love – he found a way.
As this is the first season of The Enlightenment – an era marked by the full recognition of our bond – Oren has seized the moment and taken on a project which symbolizes our status as friends like family. Because to Oren, not only are Jewballers themselves family, but the relationship extends beyond the players. In this era, whenever a Jewballer brings new life into the world, Oren makes sure the mom knows that her husband is out there Sunday mornings competing, but with a crew that sees him as essential and valuable and respected. Whether it is delivered to the hospital or the home, Oren has, with pure zealous joy, made sure a package arrives expressing the Jewball sentiments in such a special moment. Flowers. Balloons. Stuffed animals. Tangible products of this world assembled in artistic fashion to convey a well wish. Of course they do not conform to those limits. They represent a limitless commitment, dedication, and loyalty. They represent an infinite appreciation and gratitude. They represent a full and sincere heart. They say they are from Jewball – and they are – but they represent the generous nature and awesome soul of our Man of the Year.