Twas the morning of Christmas and throughout  the city, children were disappointed and filled with pity. The gifts they had received were cheap and tiny, which made them cry and sound kind of whiney.
But it wasn’t so for a select crew, Jesus Bowl was here for the league called Ball-Jew. The weather was crisp, the sky was bright blue, the football gods were shining down on those select few.
Fourteen men, both young and old, strapped up their cleats and embraced the cold. To Lawrence high school they did arrive, for two hours of football, who would survive.
The game would be solid, the teams were quite even, except for this new enigma called Steven. Old against new we hoped to see, Gunslinger Yaron vs M.V.P.
The game was quite good though the final score is misleading, 9-5 to Yaron and the team he was leading.
To recap every play would be a bore, but I’ll try to put down those that ended with a score.
Yaron took ball first and his balloon it did pop, every pass that he threw his receivers did drop.
MVP took over with great anticipation, filled with confidence and no hesitation. Quick outs, short digs and posts one by one, marching down the field, he was getting it done. But  Steve and Sam on the line were getting in quick, and with one errant throw, Goldberg came down with a pick.
Yaron found his rhythm and was having his way, getting balls to dobs and salem who def showed up to play.
Yet one player was missing though physically there, dropping passes, missing tackles as if he just didn’t care. He usually backs up his sh!t talking with play thats anointing, but today, Prime, was just disappointing.
3 years since he played last, let’s cut him some slack, Snow found his receivers in Mo and in Jack. With BD on the line and Beast as tight end, two unlikely receivers he decided to send. PJ’s lined up, Dov would give him a shot, he scored two TD’s running posts from the slot.
Away from the line, Kut set up outside, with a dime from MVP that hit him in stride. Off to the races, like Donner and Blitzen, Kut finally got his first TD of the season.
picks on both sides,  3 Goldberg, 1 Jack, the score started getting a little whack. With 30 minutes to play, due to a leg contusion, Snow had to sit out creating confusion.  Mo stepped up to fill those big shoes, determined to make sure his team didn’t lose. Taking control of the huddle, good plays he did call, scoring a few TD’s until the offense did stall.
With the defensive duo of Goldberg and Steve, it seemed destined, with the win they would leave. Sometimes a lead is too big, too hard to catch, Yaron and team green clearly won the match.
Having old and new on the field, was a great sight, merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Co-Jesus Bowl MVPs