Carwash Chronicles

by Steve-O and the Jewballers

Mighty looked past his pile of cash and over to his wife. He asked her “We need a good way to clean this money, any ideas?” in the background they heard Walter White with the same question coming from the television. “I got it” says Mighty “ and I know just the place” After getting all the schools closed down, the first part of his plan was underway. LHS was freed up and now all he needed were the staff to run his front. “Where can I find a bunch of people that don’t work all day that want to hang out and get sudsy?” the obvious answer only came a few days later.

This began the Jewball Carwash. With Jordan as his lawyer they figured out how to launder the money through the carwash, they just needed someone who would overthink it and not see what was obvious to them. Yaron was hired to manage the carwash and so the craziness began.

In a huddle formation Yaron starts drawing up instructions for his staff. “Prime go inside and clean the interior. Rabin, get to the backfield and clean the trunk and inspect the muffler. B-sh clean the grill. Kut, back seats, and hold them back, we need some time. And where is BD?” 

“He’s parking far away, something about not wanting to get hit” said Solo who was spread out over the windshield. “ Get off of there” yelled Yaron “go get some more towels.” On his way out Solo yelled “On it, I’ll be back soon.” 

Gronk meanwhile was leading his crew to clean cars on the other side. They just finished cleaning Tammy’s muddy car, a prius, when another rolled in. “same car, same car” yelled Gronk, “Wilmer, get rid of Tammy and where is Beast, I thought he was going to fix that window he broke today?”  Dave-O explained that Beast thought they were in Bay Park, He showed him the map that Beast had sent him, “That’s just a picture of Long Island… whatever” Goldberg finished up the tires and asked Gronk to pass him the soap. Gronk threw it to him but it flew right out of his hands. Right before the soap fell, in a flash of pink, Mighty was seen catching the soap. 

“ I come in to check on the car wash, what the hell is going on there is a line of cars and you barely got anything done.” Yaron replied “i know we were supposed to start at 8 AM, I opened at 7:30 and most of the staff has not even arrived yet. We are getting some work done though, Singer is 80% done washing that car, and we are buffing out that dent Logan caused when he ran into the car.” Mighty took a look around. He saw a smoke filled car with Prime cracking up as Kut was pounding Knishes in the back, Vegh was complaining about all the noise, Rabin was elbow deep in a muffler, what was going on? 

“Gronk, Can you figure out what’s going on?” Mighty asked. Gronk pointed out that most of his staff just talked about washing cars, but never came to wash. “They are all talk” he said. Mighty asked what was going on with the van that came in for the full detail. “We took out the middle bench” Gronk explained, “and now PJs is on it learning, he said some need to learn and others need to work”    

Just then Beast shows up and starts setting up chairs. “Get to work” orders Mighty “go get your uniform from inside and bring me my pink thong while your in there” Kut yells from the car “You’re*”. Mighty screams and the horns start honking. Munch is stopping cars from cutting the line. Vegh can’t take it and goes over to confront Mighty. Whack! Logan took out Vegh. “Got him boss, No one hits you but me!” Logan says proudly as he steps over Vegh. “Yo Courtney caught that whole thing on camera” Beasts says. “Why didn’t you change, where’s my pink thong” Mighty asked loudly trying to talk over the laughing from Prime and Kut in the car next to them. “Violent J locked us out, the doors were shut, we came too late” Beast replied, “now if you don’t mind me I gotta practice my drills. “You suck” Yaron called out, but Beast was too faded to care. 

Jordan shows up a few minutes later. “Mighty, the cops are onto you. You told me you had a clean record” Mighty looked at him confused. “I do have a clean record, the only thing that matters are Ws” Mighty replied. Jordan looked at him in disbelief, “There are stats whether you care about them or not, and you have the most! We’re screwed” 

Kut and Prime get out of the car and tell Yaron it’s finished, but they did as good a job as they could without towels. Beast almost hands the customer a receipt, when Yaron screams “Where is SOLO!!!!” they all turn to him and then towards footsteps getting closer. “Oh no, it’s D.A. Zada…”