Author: admin


One game, from 8-11am. A who’s who of celebrities. Film and professional pics. Top secret DOMA bets. This game has it all. Looking forward to posting a major recap, pics and videos. Stay tuned..

Week 18 – Recap

As momentum builds toward the first Vets Rooks doubleheader in Jewball history, we can reflect on how the game has changed in recent years. Whether we like stats or not, the game has and continues to evolve. Generally, one aspect of the evolution that people seem to like is that there is more football. The week in and out double header has been taken for granted as normal. It allows guys to play more games. It allows more guys to play. But, at the same time, we have recognized that Game 2 is often – for no great reason – a less compelling game. It is played and played hard, but it just doesn’t have the heat of Game 1. Week 18 felt like a throwback…and I did not mind it at all. One game. One glorious game. And with one game, the stakes felt higher and the effort felt more intense. And it went down to the wire.
The Gronk v. Yaron premiere matchup went into its 4th week in a row with Gronk having come on the Jewball scene late this year, but making a tremendous impact on the landscape. All he seems to do is win and rack up Jewballs. But would it continue? He was off to a bad start. Mainly because he was nowhere to be found. On a cold morning with a stinging wind whipping the flags at Lawrence High School into a frenzy, the game started at 10 after 8am, and Dark’s QB was messaging in that he was on his way. Luckily, Dark had Prager on the roster and a 6 on 6 ensued. As always by league rule (actually, just because Bron wants it that way) Bron and Colors takes ball first. That would be Yaron, Storm, Prime, Solo, Mighty, Tom, and Vegh. They face off against Prager, Jordan, Singer, Goldberg, Kut, Rabin, and Gronk.  Until Gronk arrived, Tom froze his ass off on the sideline (Gronk, buy him a drink). Neither team scored on their first possession, but Prager drove the entire field only to stall in Colors’ red zone. Yaron took the ball and picked on Jordan for a bit by running screens his way and Jordan failed to seal the sideline allowing for big gains by Prime and Storm. That drive was capped by a 15 yard dart to Storm in back of the endzone to put Colors up 1-0. Gronk came in and immediately tied it up by locating Prager way behind the defense. One move on the safety and we were even at 1s. At that point the battle intensified and, although both teams had plenty of miscues, the qualitative feel of the game’s action was high level. Storm with a sliding catch for a 1st down. Jordan with a catch on the outside and being punished by Mighty on the sideline. Solo sacking Gronk in the backfield on a 3rd and goal from the 4 (after a bomb to Singer and chase-down by Prime). Goldberg batting down ball after ball. Both teams were allowing positive moments for the other, but neither gave up the big play. And when the big play might have happened, the unforced errors crept into the game. Rabin, going 180 from the prior week, let his QB down on a few occasions, including a shifty ball that hit his fingertips in the endzone. Meanwhile, Yaron was missing his open receivers on the out and ups. The wind carried a few balls just a bit too far preventing Storm and Prime from hauling them in to perhaps give Colors a one score edge. But eventually Yaron threw a ball so hard that neither the wind, nor Jordan’s leap and fingernail could alter its trajectory. Targeting Mighty in full stride down the sideline, Yaron evades pressure, spins around on the opposite side of the field, and uncorks one. It cuts through the wind like an arrow and hits Mighty with no one between him and the endzone. 2-1 Colors at the half. The war of attrition continues throughout the 3rd quarter. Prime chops Singer in the neck. Jordan dives for a flag pull on Mighty. Yaron runs for a first down. Gronk to Goldberg to move the chains. And in a defensive play for the ages that separates the boys and men in this league, Prime steals a TD from Dark. Straight up grand larceny in the ednzone. Gronk sends Prager on a slant into the endzone from the 7 and all is executed to perfection. Prager is double covered by Mighty and Prime. Prime in the middle and Mighty trailing. But, in his infuriatingly effortless style, Gronk rears back and places one right in between both defenders. The ball is in Pragers hands as he glides into the middle of the endzone. Boys would have accepted this fate. Mighty and Prime are men. Mighty crashes into Prager jostling the ball and Prime reaches in to Prager’s grip and yanks the ball free before Parger’s feet are settled. The ball is momentarily in the air before Prime swoops in to pick it. As game changing a play as you will see!
 Finally, as the 4th quarter begins, Gronk playcalls to the left side – presume a two man team will find a hole in the defense. One short one long. Someone has got to be open. Jordan is going short and Prager is going long. And once again it is Prager behind the defense! Gronk uses his cannon and puts a ball in Prager’s chest (careful to avoid the wrist) and the score is once again tied. Ten minutes left in regulation. Yaron orchestrates a steady drive throwing the ball underneath, but with 5 minutes left in the game and under pressure (managing to avoid a second Kut almost-sack on the right hash) Bron slings a ball to Vegh cutting in the back of the endzone and Colors takes the very late lead 3-2. 3 minutes later Gronk is down to his last possession. The man who has won his last 3 games and racked up 3 Jewballs in the process is in do or die mode. On 1st down from his 30 he hits a streaking wide open Jordan at Colors’ 40 and it looks like this could tie it up. But Jordan tries to adjust the ball too soon and the result is a drop. 2 plays later it is 4th and long and the odds of Dark winning are infinitesimal. That is when the unbelievable happened. Scrambling to his right with Solo on his heels, Gronk turns and fires as he is ought to do. An inexplicable cross the body, cross the field prayer. Almost like a no-look pass in basketball, but this is like a no-look hail Mary. But this ball has jets on it and apparently a GPS as well. It slams into Goldberg right in the middle of the field who is position a few steps in front of the first down marker – Goldberg makes the catch in some traffic….and the drive is alive! The game is alive! One play later…..Kut and Jordan get behind the defense on the right side of the field and Gronks lofts a beautiful ball to Kut that is just picture perfect and Kut reels it in, no problemo. Kut shuffles his feet backwards a few steps and he is into pay dirt. Game is tied as time expires!!!
But no one wants to end in a tie! Even though Mighty, Rabin, and Yaron have to go…..Mighty and Rabin do go and we play on at 6s to determine a winner. Each team will get one possession. Yaron drives his team to midfield, but then disaster strikes. In what I believe was a pick free day for Yaron until that point, Colors selects an inopportune time to gaffe it up. On a TE leak out, Yaron tosses a slightly high but eminently catchable ball to Solo, who promptly pops it up in the air instead of bringing it in – and Gronk is right there with the interception – and a short field. The worst Dark can do now is tie. But the win is right there for the taking. But things do not go Dark’s way. A short run, a sack, and an incompletion result in a 4th and goal 25 yards from the endzone. The huddle is brief. Singer has been here before. Everyone almost anticipates the next three words that emanate from his lips. As if they are not a play call but a prophecy. “Hook and ladder.”
The defense is playing back because it is TD or nothing. This gives Dark room to operate. Singer pops out about ten yards and gets a nice pass from Gronk. Jordan darts from the slot toward Singer as the defense begins to close in on the ball. Singer tosses it back. Jordan has 17 yards between him and the right pile-on. Singer immediately turns around and starts wrecking people. Pushing them back, clearing space, giving Jordan room to advance but the chances of getting all the way seem remote. 10 yards to go. Gronk sees an opportunity and starts cutting down the middle of the field – calling for the ball. He is uncovered. A toss back to him might work! The defense now needs to account for that and cannot focus entirely on the ball carrier. Now Jordan passes his lead blocker Singer and there are 8 yards to go. All of a sudden Singer is also an option for a lateral and the defense needs to account for him. The defense is non-committal to Jordan and with some small lateral fakes, Jordan keeps them that way. With 5 yards to go it is time to pull the trigger. The defense is all in on Jordan now and will not let him score. As Prime is about to end the game in a tie, Jordan flips to Singer. who is at the 4….and Singer does his imitation of a bulldozer ballerina and spins into the endzone! Dark wins!!!! An improbable comeback win!
Jewball is tough this week because really everyone on Dark did something. And….no one played perfectly. Prager and Goldberg and Singer had incredible games in terms of stats. Jordan and Kut had their moments but also didn’t come through at other times. Gronk the same…and he came late. Which is egregious. Trust me, I don’t want to give him the Jewball. But I have to. Because he was the MVP for Colors. The pass to Goldberg on 4th and 30 to keep the game going was absurd! Add to that all the passes that were scores and dropped. He was the superior QB on the day and he willed his team to a victory. Jewball to Gronk.
Now, looking forward to Vets Rooks this Sunday! Hope everyone is in communication with their Captains and know which game they are playing in. Be early! We have a guy filming this Sunday….so look good out there! Thank you, Steveo, for finding the guy. A lot on the line this Sunday and the weather looks amazing. In a world going mad…..Jewball is our island of sanity. God Bless us all.

Week 17 Recap

Jewball week 17 recap. (By Yaron with color commentary by Kut)
As I sit here with an ice pack on each knee and both ankles taped up, I realize two things, one; I’m out of shape and should not be playing more than one game on Sunday. Two; Game 1 is better than game 2. (Actually, was discussing this with fellow Jewballers during the week. A few reasons were proposed and would be a good discussion over some brews and wings) (Not to be confused with the fabled and mythical Jewball BBQ) Week 17 was another perfect example of this.
If there is one thing, we can be grateful for, the weather on Sunday’s has been unnatural. This week was no exception, bright and sunny morning starting at 35 Degrees and warming up to 50 by the time Game 2 rolled around. In shocking news, everyone who signed up, showed up. John made sure to sleep on the field over night so as not to put his Jewball career in question. And even though he was only supposed to play game two, he ended up subbing in for an injured Salem. (Feel better bro)
Game 1 started kinda on time with Gronk leading Dark (Except Mighty in pink)  vs Yaron and Colors. Gronk, in his usual manner made sure his team had several film sessions and was able to audible at the line every single play. “Same play Same play” is the equivalent of Payton manning and “Omaha Omaha”. 
Yaron takes ball first, lining up with Salem, Beast, Singer, Tom, prime and Goldberg and almost immediately overthrows tom and leads to a Mighty Pick.  Just a few plays later and Gronk, lining up with  Rabin, Vegh, Mighty, Solo, Ari and Kut, hits Solo at TE for his first TD. 
Yaron gets the ball back, finds a hole in the defense and hits Singer for a long catch and run which would’ve ended in a TD, but Mighty would not have this happen on his watch and chases down Singer for a TD saving flag pull at the 30. A few plays later, colors manage to score anyway. Tie game. 
Not to be out done, Gronk marches down the field and finds mighty for TD #2. 
Yaron takes the ball and manages to put together a decent drive, 3rd and short, pass to Goldberg, Mighty reads it from a mile away and has his second pick of the day.  Couple of stalled drives going both ways. Yaron, feeling the pressure from Solo and Kut, is unable to covert on some key plays. Gronk getting pressured as well, colors sending in 3 at the line and things slow down for a bit. Yaron finally puts together a consistent drive and is able to find Prime deep in the endzone.
Gronk takes the ball again and find himself with a 2nd and short at the 36 and decides to use this opportunity as a free play. His lineman made one request, “Don’t throw a pick”, but Gronk being Gronk lofts one in the air for Singer to easily grab and come down with his first pick of the day. Yaron takes the ball, tosses a nice screen to Prime who does the cha cha down the field and coupled with a bunch of stiff arms, takes it to the house. Colors up 3-2. 
With extra motivation and a quick read of the poor defense, Gronk finds Mighty downfield for a beautiful pass and a TD. Tie game. 
Next drive, ball moves well, 4th and long, Dark defense misses flags and allows Yaron to run 30 yards for TD number 4 and the lead. But, Yaron and Prime aren’t the only ones who can run. With the grace and whimsy of a ballerina, Solo takes a short pass and somehow manages to stay on his feet, juking from side to side, letting out spurts of air which can only be compared to air brakes on a semi-truck, causing countless missed flags and tackles, he manages to run 75 yards and get his 2nd TD of the day. Tie Game once again.
Welcome to OT! (No one wants to end in a tie) (Slackers from game 2 are nowhere to be found) 
With what seems to be great ease, Gronk once again drives down the field, not only is his play calling and passing game solid, he put up quite a few drive saving runs, and this final drive was no different. On 3rd and short for the game winning TD, Gronk feels the pressure on the line and tries to lob one to Kut in the end zone, but it’s too short and just before it hits the ground, Yaron, being driven by his losing streak, calls upon his Flash-like speed and manages to pick it off. Colors feeds off this energy and works their way down the field. Marching towards the endzone, they looked poised to win. 3rd and 7, perfect pass by Yaron to Goldberg, being tightly covered by Ari. Game over! But wait, Goldberg couldn’t hold on, hell he didn’t even try to hold on, went right through his hands.  4th and 7, Yaron draws up the perfect play, he rolls to his right, receivers are open, he pulls back and releases the perfect spiral only to have it completely obliterated and batted down by Kut on the line. (His 2nd batted ball, for those keeping track)
With a new motivation, Gronk takes over and once again wills his way down the field, twice running and squirming to get the first downs. He has his new-found favorite receiver, (nope, not Vegh, Sruls just wasn’t getting it done,) Rabin!! He’s making catches like he’s 19 again. Once again, Gronk finds himself in the red zone. After 3 attempts, he makes it to the 7-yard line. Colors has been waiting for this moment and blitzes 4, but they made that crucial mistake and left Mighty wide open in the back left of the end zone. Gronk reads the defense perfectly and gently lofts one to Mighty for the win!! Final Score 5-4 Dark.
Was a very solid game, though some key players were missing, J, you’re missed. Solid defense, good battles on the line, and nice-looking drives. As Jordan has said many a time, Jewball is successful, not only because of the guys that are committed to it, but also because of the talent that comes down to the field each week. Week 17 was a good one. 
Jewball to Gronk for his excellent game plan execution, his ability to get all his teammates involved, and his ability to run the ball and keep the drives alive.
Honorable mentions: Mighty, for being Mighty and consistently bringing it every week. Solo, for his 2 TD’s and impressive ballet moves. 
Sacko to Goldberg for his key dropped passes. Very unlike him, hopefully this award will encourage him to be just a bit better.

Game 2A recap. Kut comes back to play for injured Salem.
Yaron and Gronk play catch for about 45 minutes. Colors wins 4-1.
Jewball to gronk for 2 passing TD’s, 2 receiving TD’s and 2 picks. 
Sacko to Rabin for overthrowing Goldberg multiple times.
Game 2B, Gronk and Kut switch teams. Good game. Gronk and Rabin team up again for an incredible duo. Its as if every play, Rabin gets open makes the catch and gets yards. Gronk maintains his usual game calling and everyones on the same page. Yaron, is finally clicking with his team and there are good drives both ways. Gronk and dark ends up winning again 4-3.
Notable moments: Prime stiffarming yaron into another dimension to get his first TD. (Prime actually stopped, pointed and laughed at Yaron on the floor)
Solo getting his first pick in Jewball (off a tipped ball by Beast at the line.)
Controversial call of the game: Johnny Storm making the catch and flying 80 yards for a TD, only to be called back by Gronk. Seems that John was holding his flag even after it was pulled. 
Last and most memorable play of the game: Courtney storming onto the field ready to kill Prime. His only saving grace, catching the game winning TD.
Jewball to Gronk, once again for willing his team to win, making Rabin feel like a million bucks, and keeping the drives alive

Week 17 Roster

Week 17


Yaron – QB


Gronk – QB



Yaron – QB


Rabin – QB

Week 16 Recap

Week 16 recap

Early game (credit steveo)

_Disclaimer: The writer assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this recap. The information contained in this recap was provided by another source and is on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. The writer’s memory was not set up for this so please understand. Thank you._


Unfortunately, we had to start with 6s and had a few stalled drives, but some good defense on both teams to start. Soon the 7s begin and Dark breaks out first with a TD deep to Salem on a 3rd and long. Gronk decided it was time to send his receivers right behind the coverage and try passing to wide open receivers, and it would have worked this time, but Wilmer was robbed of an open field reception, because of an over the line pass; lucky break dark. Gronk sticks with what works though, and he keeps finding the same holes in the broken D, and either has open men behind the zone or Dobs battling hard to bring in those receptions. Gronk responded with two scores (don’t remember who).
Munch and Kut were eating up the line and stopping backfield plays while dobs wasn’t letting anyone run past him breaking stiff arms and grabbing flags. Munch had four sacks. Dobs Had like 15 flag grabs all over the field.
Tabak dropped open over the shoulder TD pass, and Prime looking for stats tried snatching a TD from a teammate resulting in nothing. With the broken momentum Dark ties up with deep pass to Zada over a sleeping Gronk, with a catch that Zada was surprised he made. A beautiful ball just fell in the basket and he ran with it.
Munch being Munch, can’t let that be and goes beast mode catches goal line TD to go up 3-2. Zada doesn’t like that and makes an insane effort and goes up over Prime (or Vegh, depending who you ask) to grab a contested pass and Steve-O sets the downfield blocks and another big score to tie at 3.
Gronk and Co. responds by picking apart a man coverage with swing to Munch who went for 70 yards breaking all tackles and scoring. Terrible flag grabbing to go up 4-3. Time winding down, Dark comes up empty on a 4th and short from the 26, and on the next play the game is iced, as Vegh catches a deep pass on a dead defense

Game over 5-3 [Colors win]

_This part does not come from me so if you don’t agree or don’t care, just trash talk as usual but hate the players not the writer._

*Jewball* goes to Munch.
One may say Gronk deserved it with 5tds and 0 ints, or by the fact that he made up the time in the huddle so we can get a full game due to the late showers. The decision came to Munch because of his heart and skill on both sides of the ball. Two massive TD catches and game changing defensive plays with 4 sacks and 30 hurries. Completely disruptive keeping Dark from doing what they could have.

*Honorable mentions*
Kut with a few big catches and barreling through the D line. He also had a ridiculous flag pull on Yaron 30 yards down the field from behind, that surely saved a TD.

Another shout out to the quiet and possibly sober man, Dobs, who was the great wall of China on the field shutting it down on defense by grabbing flags and making plays. On offense he made some great plays in coverage and scored as well. (He doesn’t only score with Asian babes, he can score with Gronk too)

*Top plays:* Zada hauling in that first TD; Oren catching a pass; Dobs’ catch by the endzone and the fight in; Munch grabbing the ball from Salem to save his team and gaining big yards, Kut’s surprise grab on Jabroni; and Zada somehow ended up bleeding again.

_Yall need to come on time in the next few weeks, if its hard to get to the early game on time, sign up for the late game. If you can’t get to the late game on time, figure your stuff out. I know stuff comes up, everyone experiences it, at least let us know when you’re coming and try to be accurate. For those who make a longer trip out, kudos, just try to factor in traffic._

Late game (credit tom)

Yaron with edits by Tom

Game two was a solid battle. Young versus old, dark versus light. Yaron versus fiet. An injury from the start struck fear in in team fiet. Tomaz out, enter munch, he had a jammed wrist but the only sign was that he preferred the weak side which means more bruises on your left side for those who went against him.

Dobs got the scoring started with a td 1-0 fiet. an Interception by Yaron, led to a td to Ari over zada (cue the Ari – Yaron duo , as They have 12 td passes between them this season) Rumors are that Solo feels betrayed, by yaron. they will be working that out in marriage therapy this week. Yarons defense “I was thinking of you when it happened” but I digress.

Feit was slinging it eating the middle of field with gronk and Goldberg.

Team Fiets d was relentless dobs mark zada grabbing flags. Pressure up front.  In honer of kosher fest gronk and Goldberg were wetting everyone’s pallets and yaron undies with blitz packages that stalled the offense for the first half of the game. barking out pizza elephant salmon, solo..

Feit goes up 2-1 with a long bomb to Goldberg who turned on the jets. Next possession for fiet: Yaron reads the play and jumps the pass for a p6 and the game was tied at 2-2. A few stalled drives later and Gronk did his best impersonation of marshowm lynch. Barreling over multiple defenders on his way to a td.  Next drive yaron hit Ari for his second td of the game. Solo said he’s done pretending that what they had together was special. “You just give it up for anyone, plus I’m pretty sure he’s a minor” game tied 3-3. “Jewball friend” aka BF helps dark take the lead only to have fiet to zada for his league leading 22nd td and we are tied up again at 4.

With about 5 min left team yaron looking to take the lead, swing out to Dante who stuff-armed feit into the bleachers and is GONE for TD- WAIT tom out of NOWHERE dives from behind like a humpback whale feeding and comes up with arguably(really Yaron ?! This is arguable?)  the play of the game saving a td. To put the finishing touches on the drive Tom gets the sack on 4th down and we are in overtime. One possession each for the game.

After another lynch like yards after catch for Gronk and a key first down by Goldberg.  Another catch and run for gronk brings the ball to the 2 yard line. On fourth down feit to zada who wrestled with Vegh on a great pass and catch effort and it’s 5-4 fiet. One more shot for yaron and, dobkin who played like a beast once again gets a hand on a pass launching the ball in the air, landing in Zada’s hands to seal the game, Zadda does the classy thing and takes a knee and it’s the end of a great game.

JB to feit for leading the comeback, solid drives and calling good plays, Tom joins the kut petition for jewbals for impact performance but no-one listens.

Week 16 Lineup



Yaron – QB
Big O


Gronk – QB



Yaron – QB
Ari P


Feit – QB

Week 15 Recap

On a bus from Jerusalem to Bet Shemesh so have some time.
Let’s see….Week 15….I had to set up the field because Yaron was injured and out, though he showed to observe, which was excellent. Setting up the field with the sun shining as Jewballers roll in – with the full potential of the Week bursting with promise. Nothing like that unknown. Who will win? Lose? Get hurt? Have the game of their lives? Its almost better than the game itself.
Forgot the other variable. Who wont show. That’s always been a Jewball question. Unfortunately….been Storm a bunch. Sorry, bud for the call out since I know how well meaning u are about the game. I know you don’t want to not show and be that guy…but it still is a killer. So Zada and Jordan who were prepared to line-battle wound up rotating in for Storm. Prager was looking to bounce back, but things only got worse for him on the day. He started the game well with a TD pass to Goldberg. So….Dark goes up 1…..wait…what? Goldberg dropped that ball? But it was right in his…oh, never mind. It was the Gronk and Mighty show in Game 1. Gronk, who never met a huddle he liked, is a good enough QB to see the whole in the zones and to just tear it apart. The simplicity with which he broke it down in Game 1 was infuriating. Personally, I bit on a screen to be beat over the top about 4 times. Anyway….the game was not close. Prager, who very well may be done for the season 


 played like a man hurt again. Although there were a few drops that stung him, he could not be his usual aggressive self and the long ball was not there for him. Deep passes fell short and were picked, making matters worse once his team went in a hole. Details are fuzzy but I believe it was a 5-2 finish with Mighty putting up 3. I’m giving Jewball to Mighty because although Gronk won the game and he really makes a big difference on defense (his flag pulling method of getting low is so unique and effective), but a QB needs to call plays to make every player on his team feel motivated and part of something. Its important. Yes, sure you can win without it. He did. But harder to get a Jewball.
Game 2 was a better game. Back and forth  between Gronk and Mo – score for score the entire way through. Gronk and his team in Darm actually looked great the entire game, especially the tandem of Gronk and Vegh. That duo put up 4 TDs. Vegh could not be stopped. But Mo used his weapons well and moved the ball around just enough to keep Dark off balance. Screens to Zada and Prime moved the ball. A few cheats on the line left the long game open and Dark vulnerable to big plays. Twice Colors scored on tipped balls that should have been picked. With a tie score of 5-5 and no time on the clock, Prime gets in the open field and runs for 63 yards to win the game. His numbers once again get him a Jewball. Sorry for abbreviated recap but typing on bus making me nauseous. I guess teams tomorrow night since Game 1 seems to be in flux.

Week 15 Lineup

Yaron MarkfeldThu, Feb 6, 4:16 PM (2 days ago)
to me

Week 15

Game 1 – 8am


Prager – QB


Gronk – QB



Gronk – QB


Mo – QB

Week 14 – Recap

Week 14 is what we call a mixed bag. The sign ups were robust but we still managed to have personnel issues. The games were competitive but the price we paid may have been heavy. With injuries looming in our QB corps, I write this recap right now with a lot of unknowns about the future. As much as we preach next man up in sports, if Yaron is not around for the rest of season, the ramifications will be deeply felt. We got good news today, but I need to see these guys back on the field and playing well to exhale. 
We started the day with Bron doing fittings on the field as the JB jerseys were revealed last week. He needed to know small, medium, and large as well as cup size. Leading up to the game, Dobs was feeling bleh after a run in with a Chinese prostitute and Pringle revealed a chip in his wrist (get it?). The ominous signs were there. Meanwhile, what many felt was the biggest adjustment was Goldberg entering the fray as deadline for Yaron. Taking nothing from PJs and his valiant effort (a man who knows that when you can get a game in – you get it in and do your best) but Goldberg has evolved into a premiere pass rusher and the effects of his prowess would be felt throughout the game.
That is not to say Prager and Dark could make excuses for the end result. They had weapons. Prager has been the better QB over the past few weeks. Yaron had a losing streak on the line. According to Singer, Colors would need to overcome a lot – Dark was STACKED! But, that’s why you play the game.  
This game was a shut out and shut outs don’t make for exciting recaps (the exciting recap is saved for Game 2). Shut outs kind of sneak up on you. You go down 1 – okay we can tie this thing up. You go down 2 – no big deal, let’s make it a one TD contest. Then you go down 3 and still have not scored and that voice sneaks into your subconscious – uh oh – is this one of those games? Then you go down 4 and not much time left on the clock – yup, it’s one of those games. I cannot take anything away from Yaron. He did what he needed to do as a QB. Big scramble early on. Threw a beautiful timing pattern jump ball to Singer to get the scoring started. He lead his team – they played tough for him and they won this game handedly. They punched and never got punched back. Why? Well, that is what Dark needs to think about all week. Fact is: Prager wasn’t Prager. Careful on the runs and careful pulling flags – understandable because of the wrist. There is physical pain and there is mental hesitation – and it changes the motor settings. That said, his team did him few favors on offense. A few spot on early passes were straight dropped – I recall Vegh being a repeat offender. And when you are hurting and have Munch and Goldberg getting in – dropped passes create exponentially problematic situations. And that was the story all game. The pressure and need to take risks lead to picks. Two of ‘em being of the P6 variety (Singer and Logan). The highlights of the Game for Dark was a Mighty pick that gave Dark some light when it was only 2-0, but it did not lead to a score – instead Colors made a goal line stand. And of course there was an epic sack of Yaron that was a full on tackle by the BEAST. Was a thing of beauty. Toward the end of the game, Yaron went down with a knee and hobbled off the field – non contact injury and he claimed to have heard the mythic “pop.” Of course he hobbled his way back into the game a few minutes later and tried to put up a 5th TD by riding Sam, but the man who manufactures hands has none and could not close that deal. Yaron and Colors win 4-0. Jewball to the line of Munch and Goldberg for being the obvious difference makers in this game – forcing the picks, keeping Solo off Yaron, and holding a potent offense to no scores. 
Now to Game 2. My man Rabin is seeing this recap being posted and saving it to be read in the shower. No need to ruin another pair of scrubs. I would assume if we look to the chronicles we would find an email like this once a season. It is the recap that keeps Rabin going. While 95% of the Recaps tear him apart – call him out for all the deficiencies he exhibits so prolifically as both a human being and a football player – there is that one recap each season that pulls him off the ledge and revives his fading career. Now, cards on the table: Rabin and I are in a very unique space in this game. With B-sh being less of a presence this year, me and that dude are truly the last men standing from Queens. In many ways, I feel like I just met him – but we have been doing this for almost 20 years. I mean, that’s a big a number. It’s been a rollercoaster. The ups and downs of this league – this game. But, there is one thing I am sure of – I would not be playing anymore if it wasn’t for Rabin. Now, of course we are rolling now in the age of Bron and I feel like I’m 22 again and look forward to Sundays like I did back then….but there was some rough years in between. Really rough. Pathetic! And the one thing I can tell you that never faded – not one bit – when all hope was lost: That is Rabin’s enthusiasm for Jewball. It’s truly inexplicable. He has so much love for this game – it cannot be adequately described. It’s not a generous love, no….it is a selfish love, that if for sure (if you all disappeared and a difference set of people allowed him to play each Sunday, he wouldn’t notice) – but it is immense. His otherworldly love for this game is the only possible explanation for how he takes so much shit from us and keeps plugging away. Week 14 was a testament to his drive. I mean, how many people can be told they SUCK at something by everyone over and over again and come out with confidence. I’m not joking – it’s remarkable! The only time I saw Rabin legit lose confidence was in the Croton League. Because that was not his home and he knew it. Jewball is his home. And it is where once a season, he does the impossible….
Week 14 Game 2 was the debut game for a new QB – and a sharp one at that – Yehuda Feit (nickname TBD, if any) came down. I recognized him. He did play in Croton when we played. I mean, he is legit certified QB meat. The guy is a great addition to our game. Welcome! Hopefully he sticks. On paper, this should have been an easy win. Again, no offense Rabin, but….y’know….I’ll leave it at that “No Offense Rabin.” The guy has a propensity for losing. What can I say? And Feit is a real QB. In all honesty, I put Yaron with Rabin thinking he would have to come in. I’m sorry, Rabin – I guess I should believe in you more? I don’t know, but either way – Yaron goes down….so it is all on Rabin – and while everyone else on the field might have seen that as a problem, Rabin would never. 
The first sign of a Rabin quality game is that he does not look inept. What I mean by that is there are games where from the first set, it is like MAYDAY MAYDAY! Like ball is just not coming out right. Or a P6 on opening drive. Stuff like that. So, Rabin was not that version of himself on Sunday. So far so good. He learned some tricks I think from watching Yaron over the past two years. How to use screens and TEs to better affect. Calling a better running game. Keeping it safe and saving the long pass bullets when needed. I don’t remember the first TD, but he was using Prime well – Prime had some legs on Sunday and was doing his thing eating up the sideline. Feit had to learn the hard way that you don’t try to pull Prime’s flag on the sideline – waste of time. That stiff arm is fierce. I do remember a beauty of pass to Salem that was kind of like a wake up moment – showing that Rabin had something in the chamber on this day. BUT. BUT….we have seen this before. A 2-0 lead is not going to cut it for Rabin. We saw a 5-1 lead squandered earlier this season! 2-0 Rabin lead with an hour to play is nothing to worry about. Feit ran a really good huddle and his Colors squad knew it was only a matter of time. And that was the case. Rabin throws his first of 4 picks of the day – it is to Mo and it is a P6. The lead is cut in half. And the picks kept coming. The inevitable was happening. Jordan gets his hands on two tipped balls for interceptions and Feit starts to warm up. Over the middle leaping catch and run by Dobs. Score. Jordan screen with Beast lead blocking. Score. Beast with a pick. Goldberg with a TD. 4 unanswered points and the wheels have come off. Rabin is down 2 scores and his team is just about ready to hang their heads. As mentioned, one thing Rabin never loses is his confidence and spirit. He believes. And he pushes his team to as well – gotta give him that. So it begins with a Prime pick followed by a Prime catch and run 79 yards for a score with Jordan not being able to catch up. Then a Zada pick and Rabin orchestrates a drive that ends in a beautiful wheel route floater to Prime that goes over the defense and falls in perfectly to his awaiting arms in the endzone. Yikes. Tie game. (spoiler alert) Now, I can’t take anything away from Rabin because he won the game in the end, but Colors played soft down the final stretch. Not because they didn’t score – they would have, but they did not play like a team that wanted to win. It starts with a 3rd and long – and with Rabin under pressure and running away from Goldberg to the sideline – he releases a ball that was in the air for an eternity, but it somehow still manages to get to Ari for a huge first down. The drive kept alive, Rabin throws another floaty-ish pass to his TE, Solo over the middle. And there are defenders there. Tom kind of ducks away from the ball so it can get to the receiver. Goldberg kind of stops because I think he was confused by what Tom did. And Solo makes the catch and waltzes into the endzone. Bizarre. Rabin goes up 5-4. Colors gets a shot to tie the game and on 4th and 10, Feit hits an open Goldberg square in the chest. And Goldberg drops it. Maybe he was still thinking about Tom ducking. Anyway, Rabin wins the game, but Prime gets the Jewball for the 2 scores and pick. His skill matched Rabin’s will. 
Feit, Yaron, Pray….heal!!!!
Who wants Week 15?