
Jewball is football. You may call it pick-up. We call it a way of life, a philosophy, and a family. It’s a game that never takes off; that constantly evolves, transforms, and reanimates. It is game that connects all kinds of people of all ages. We value skill above all, but we love a personality. We do not tolerate those without passion or commitment. Loyalty and showing up are our hallmarks. We respect our veterans but are always looking for rookies. We know the importance of quality football, but have been so fortunate to attract quality people. We play flag, but we have our own rules. This is not a soft game. We expect you to bring it. We expect you to be in game shape. We don’t like breaks. We don’t like weeks off. We play in all weather. We play 20 games and 4 Bowl Games. There are no set team, or refs, or playoffs, but every week is its own challenge where we obligate ourselves to bring our best game and fight until the clock runs down to zero.