Month: September 2024

2024/2025 Season Opening Remarks

I wouldn’t say anything changed in me over the past 23 years as I relate to this game we call Jewball. I loved it the first day I showed up (uninvited – heard about it from a friend – and didn’t get into the game – just watched jealously from the sidelines) and I love it today. Did I know at that time that it would one day encompass half my life (by the end of this season it will officially be the majority of my life)? Of course not. I loved it, and would have liked to think I could do it forever. But you need a lot of mazal in this world. Things need to break right. Things need to not break. Or rip. Or pop. Or strain. BH I had that mazal. I played some in the 2001 season. And I showed up for Opening Day in 2002, my first full season. And then I showed up for Opening Day in 2003. By 2004, I was organizing Opening Day. By 2005 I had migrated the game from Queens to the 5Ts. And here we still are – bigger and badder than ever – almost two decades later.
So, I don’t think I’ve changed – but because Jewball has changed so much and grown so much, my Opening Day message has evolved. When its original intention was to wake up people from their summer malaise and convince them to get out and play football again – that isn’t necessary now. We are in our Enlightenment Era and Jewball has become a full on way of life. Football season ends but Jewball season is a constant. So….no need to rally the troops. I will however say…..Let’s Fucking Go. Bring it Sunday. Every damn down like u mean it.
One thing that is always needed is to talk to the Rookies/a chazara on what we are doing here. Jewball is a football league, but we like to consider it a true brotherhood where we value quality football above all, but quality people a very near second. You won’t survive here if you aren’t a Jewball type. You will either go fleeing in the opposite direction, or we will spit you out. This is the kind of thing you will experience as opposed to me explaining it. Explaining the Jewball ethos is like explaining a joke. It’s a waste of time and energy. Either you get it (or will get it) or you won’t. I will say this as the truest of Jewball truisims. The more you put in, the more you will get out. I firmly believe you will benefit just by being here. The guys here are so unbelievably awesome and talented that your life should improve incrementally simply due to osmosis. However, there is benefit and there is BENEFIT. And that’s up to you. If you show up, you will see rewards you won’t really be able to process in the short term. Again…..not gonna explain. You might ask what does show up mean? And my only answer is….show up as much as you can. Push yourself to show up. Push yourself to be a part of it. Some of it. All of it. In both is our mantra and it means in everything. As much as Jewball offers… greedy and partake. I say this not because we need it. Those days are over. BH we are in a very good place and on solid ground. I say this because life is an ocean of bitchery and Jewball is an island. Some of you got injured….so u may think….I’ll keep my head down until I play on the field and prove myself. Absolute nonsense. Prove yourself now! Show up now. Whether on the chat or at events or to the games. You will get out what you put in. Everyone here will attest. With that, I welcome you all to this 2024-2025 Jewball season. My 23rd full. Rabin’s like…..28th. I mention the season count because Jewball is proud of its history. If you haven’t seen our website….check it out. I said before I can’t explain the ethos….but exploring the site gives you a sense. I leave you with this message: Write your story. Care about the tapestry we are weaving. Care that you will be woven onto it. We are out here risking real shit. It’s worth it. Make it worth it.