Month: February 2021

Week 19 Recap – VETS ROOKS 2021

Vets win and make it 3 in a row

Vets Rooks is always over-hyped. It was created over fifteen years ago, not just to lend some gravitas to the final weeks of the Jewball season, but to also act as a State of the Union. The Vets represented where we have been. The Rooks stood for where we are going. It was an opportunity to invite out all our players and create a match that spoke to what we cherish most about Jewball. The respect for those who played before us – the exclusivity of a club we call Jewball Vets. But also to engage our newest members. Rooks are our lifeblood. Without them, Jewball would stagnate, atrophy – and die. 
The fact is though, it was historically a pretty terrible and one-sided game. The trash talk going into the game was always fast and furious, with the Vets talking about needing to change the Rookies’ diapers. The Rookies claiming the Vets were washed up has-beens. And when the game was played, the Rookies were always right. For the first decade of the game, Jordan, Yakir, Joey, Rabin, B-sh, Show, and Marino tried to beat the Rooks…and always failed. We could not keep up with them. Whether it was the Ike, Uri, Klink, Dorothy, BD class. Or the Mighty, O, Socks, PJs, Steveo, Zez class. Or the Snow, Singer, Kut, Tom, Munch class. Rooks were young, quick, and athletic. The Vets had experience and heart….but….who were we kidding? We could not keep up! The games were often a joke. And even if they weren’t, the Vets lost.
Enter the Revolution. And all of sudden, the Vets are loaded – and it is a game – for the first time. Why? Because those talented Rooks who embarrassed us Vets for all those years…are now one of us. And this does not take away anything from the extremely talented Rookie class we have now – but….for the past three years – as you all by now know – the Vets have asserted dominance over the Rooks. 
This is a roundabout way of saying that, although Vets Rooks 2021 wasn’t much of a game – a 4-0 Vets win – it is not the first blowout. It’s just the first blow out in the past few years. And there is an argument to be made that the tables have turned. Those prior exceptional classes have stuck with us (always – I never forget – and I’ll let the emotion overcome me next week when I write the final recap – THANK YOU for sticking with us) – and now the Vets are formidable. They seem like they will be for years to come.
A game that at first looked like it might be a doubleheader of Vets Rooks games turned into one game as the snow fell and stayed on the field – and did NOT become ice – just crunchy – which allowed us to play our first ever Vets Rooks tackle game. 
On paper, there was no reason to think that this game would be anything but an all out brawl. One that would go down to the wire. For the Vets, Gronk – an extremely loyal, if not controversial, Jewballer, since his debut in 2017 – was named Captain in his first game for the Vets. The kid oozes talent and has grown as a player before our eyes. He probably has a thousand tricks left in his bag, which we will be fortunate to witness over his career. He certainly earned his Captain status on the field. His team was, for lack of a better word…stacked. Mighty, Snow Pup Singer, Steveo, BD, Daveo, PJs, Rabin, Kut, Tom, Jordan, Munch, and O. Yikes. You’d think…unbeatable? Maybe so, but the Rooks roster looked like this: Yaron (Jewball MVP 2019), Prime (Jewball MVP 2020), Prager (Jewball MVP 2021….wait…sorry…premature), Beast, Storm, Logan, Salem, Dobs, Sting, E, and Solo. I mean….this is a team brimming with talent and potential. Was certainly an “Any Given Sunday” challenge where either team could wrestle the W from the other.
In a way, this remained true throughout most of the game. Even though the final score says 4-0 which make it seem that the Rookies did not have chance, if the game is broken down – it really could/should have gone either way.
Let’s take a look:
The Rooks started with the ball and with a commitment to the run. Prime was naturally the biggest threat on the field in that regard. An extremely sturdy and destructive ball carrier who can bulldoze through most. With Sting neutralizing Jordan with interference, Prime bullied his way to a first down. But the Snow Pup made sure it was the only one the Vets would gain. Yaron – who once again – and it is near nauseating at this point – was plagued by drops – including one on the opening drive which would have been a sure first down – could only walk off the field wondering if he was destined to have another rough outing. The Rooks took over around midfield.
Gronk took the ball for his fellow Vets with the confidence of a, well, Vet. Although he was by far the youngest Vet, he showed a leadership beyond his years. The first drive was steady. Gronk does not mix it up unless the defense forces him to. Coasting on a steady diet of Mighty and Singer – because why not when such weapons are at your disposal – the Vets’ first possession resulted in a score. But not in the way anyone would have expected. A 15 yard pass to Singer was tipped by the Snow Pup as the defense collided with him at the same time as the ball (foreshadow!) – the ball bounced off his fingertips and landed in the snow. ALMOST! Because Mighty on the spot, dove full extension and reclaimed the ball from incompletion oblivion – pulling it in and landing in the endzone. “I caught it”, he yells. “We know.” And the score is 1-0 Vets.
So, the Vets – it can be argued – got a cheap one. Sure they are up, but it was a fluke one might argue. The Rooks had no reason to despair. However, on the very next drive….after moving the ball soundly for 55 yards, Yaron underthrows a ball and Steveo is there to pick it in the red zone. It would be the first of 3 back breaking picks Yaron would throw on the day. All three when his team was poised to score. But he wasn’t the proximate cause – as we say in the law – of his team’s demise. The defense was somewhat porous. Gronk moved the ball with fluidity all day. Rabin was a huge x factor. Just left open…and making catches for gains. The second Vet score was a beautifully designed bootleg to Singer. Many claim it was Mighty’s call. Or at least Mighty said so after the TD. 2-0 at the half. No reason to think the Rooks wouldn’t get right back in it. But they just didn’t. Why? Because there was blame to go around.
Beast couldn’t haul in a big 1st down catch that might have been a TD if he stayed on his feet. Sting dropped one in the endzone that was reminiscent of an Eddie drop last year that devastated the Rooks’ hopes.  Dobs caught one in the back of the endzone but his feet were on the line. 
With these missed opportunities, it wasn’t just points off the board, but it was a dearth of momentum perpetuating other near misses. Meanwhile, Gronk started to mix in PJs and Tom – each true Vets having hella good seasons. PJs and Tom…proving that you stick with the damn game because maybe your best years are ahead of you! Maybe yours 20s was just you getting started. And look at them now. Popping off big plays and serving up poppers. Gronk snuck in a ball to Tom that Pray had a nice read on, but missed a P6 by a split second. Another momentum changer that vanished in a flash. Tom gets a 1st down. And another on a one handed grab. And then PJs muscling his way to a chill inducing almost score. Eventually Gronk makes it 3-0 finding Mighty leaking out from the 4 yard line. 
By now, there are only 20 minutes left and Yaron is despondent on the sideline. He takes himself out of the game. Pray gets some garbage time reps, but it goes no better. A deep ball loses steam and Singer is there to pick it. Gronk throws an NFL quality pass to Singer in the endzone a play later but Prime attacks and the bang bang play results in dropped ball (arguably the second TD saved by Prime’s safety prowess – a goal line pass to PJs was controversially negated earlier). Gronk would eventually get to the point by finding BD – MY VET! – over the middle on a zipped in pass that BD plucks from the sky. 
So, as this recap shows – it could have gone either way. But, perhaps the difference between a Vet and a Rookie is the elimination of Rookie mistakes. Who knows? Maybe it just was a football game that swung in the favor of an excellent team. 
Our Jewballs are going to two players this week. Each are earning it for special performances on a specific side of the ball. To Steveo, for his defense. Singer plays like an ecstatic puppy. You play like a lion. Ferocious, majestic, proud. You make us all proud as well. You bring so much to our game and really to our lives. Jewball to you my friend. Steveo Island is real. Your pick in the back of the endzone was as poetic and vibrant as your rhymes. An absolute honor to be on the same field as you.
As humble as Steveo is…Gronk is someone I try not to compliment too much. I have no idea what goes on in his head  – if he is modest or arrogant – crazy or sane – soft or hard – but this past Sunday….he stepped the F up. I consider myself lucky to have been on the sideline for many of the offensive sets – to just watch and appreciate a man mastering his abilities. Playing without fear. 
Let me digress for a second. This is a tackle game…so fear is an element. There are people coming after you. Big angry people. Like Solo, and O, Beast, and Munch and Kut….so….because they rarely get the headlines – shout out to these warriors. Munch, for just showing up for us. Your mere presence is powerful. O – you were in rare form. Like I said – it was like the clock was turned back 13 years and we were playing Chabad. Kut – you are our forever role model of a grinder. Now, let me get to Beast and Solo – and I want to commend them….while really putting Gronk on the pedestal. They were all over him. Our line tried to protect him, but….Solo and Beast? C’mon! These guys are machines out there. So they got to the QB. Plenty. But, Gronk really was a wizard out there. Keeping his eyes up – not folding – taking hits – making smart decisions over and over again. I really found a new level of respect for Gronk this past Sunday. Jewball to you as well. 

For those who wanted this game to be more competitive….I guess I apologize. No, I can’t. It was played. It was won by the Vets because they earned it. We can run it back next year. I know we all talk smack going into the game and some of it is true…but it is ALL LOVE. We are Vets. We are Rooks. We are one Jewball. Who wants Week 20!

Week 18 Recap

As I watch my car being buried in snow as this deposition drones on in the background, I am getting more excited to bring the pain on Sunday as we play and celebrate Vets Rooks 2021. At the same time, the crew here wants a Recap. I look back to Week 18…and what do I see? Tom was completely broken. Crushed ribs – could hardly breathe – sleepless nights in agonizing pain. Of course he was IN but only if it was tackle. Eventually he opted out and Rabin and Dobs jumped in late to give us, not only a tackle game, but our first 8 on 8 of the season. 
When I got to the field, the messaging was clear: Yaron sucks. Now, was this true? Of course not. It’s a chat meme. At the same time, he was off to a rough start. Some mix of fumbles and picks on his first two possessions – both leading to scores. Pray had a pick 6 to get the party started, I believe. Either way, it was 2-0 with a little more than an hour to go.
Within minutes of my arrival, I was able to observe the bad luck Yaron was having and the momentum that Feit and his crew was riding. Yaron, down but never out, pitched the ball to Prime to get something good going – as is often the case when Prime gets the ball in a tackle game. But Snow Pup Singer is out of his mind when the field is covered in snow. You would think the white stuff was cocaine and he was inhaling it throughout.
He leaps on Prime’s back and yanks his arms apart. The ball is loose! Beast recovers – and things are only getting worse for Yaron. Even when he calls a safe play, things go horribly wrong. Now, let’s look at the other side of the ball. Feit, drops back….gets sacked by Kut – no wait….forces a fumble….this could be a huge gain for Yaron if one of his players jumps on the ball. Maybe can run it back for a score. But, now – Prager picks the ball up and throws a floating 45 yard TD pass! Was the TD called back because the rule was not clear? Yes. But, the contrast between the two fumbles spoke volumes. Feit did eventually convert the turnover into points by having Singer run it up the gut. (FYI – In tackle games, we play one ball in the endzone). 
Yaron came out swinging on the next drive – looking to make sure the game would not become a laugher – even if the win seemed out of reach. With a deep ball to MK who leaked out from the wing, his crew was in position to score. Mighty made a great tackle on MK to save a TD, but Yaron did put in the endzone by hooking up with MK again a few plays later. 3-1 Feit. 
The momentum really seemed to shift when Storm leaped over Singer to pick a ball meant for Beast. The defensive stat gave Yaron the ball and really short yardage to go to make it a one score game. Unfortunately, Feit and co. put together a goal line stand that likely ended the game for Yaron. Mainly because time was running out for the comeback.
Feit made the comeback even more difficult by refusing to slide on defense any more. The non-score by Yaron turned into a full field drive by Feit capped off by a jump ball TD to Singer, our Jewball winner. 4-2 Feit on top.
With about a half hour to go Yaron put together a Gronk-esque drive consisting of simple calculated plays (outs to Kut who can rumble for big yards with the best of em) and miracle heaves (Rabin making 3 catches on the drive – one of them on 4th and long). The drive ended on with a Kut TD. Down two scores with little time left, the odds were heavily stacked against Yaron. His weak start was going to haunt him.
The nail was hammered into the coffin as Feit drove the entire field and put up a final point.
All Yaron could do was attempt to make it closer. He did so, with a game ending TD to Prime.
I don’t apologize for the lack of passion in this recap. My passion is reserved for Sunday. Beware ye Rooks.

Wisdom from a Vet

-by Kuti

Status check:
Head, no pain.
Neck: 100% range of motion. Pinched nerve still there.
Shoulders: Left side is fine. Right side has a slight throbbing.
Arms: Left side ok. Right side, tingling pain and numbness from pinched nerve.
Wrists: Full rotation. Good. Continued pins and needles.
Hands. Left side, good. Right side, unable to bend middle and ring finger, otherwise ok.
Chest and ribs: Pain in top right rib, prob bruised, not broken.
Back: Lower back pain. Nothing 5 minutes of stretching can’t work out.
Legs: Throbbing pain in left thigh, (The kind that hurts if you try to use the stairs or stand up.) otherwise good.
Ankles, mostly ok, as long as tendons don’t get caught in  the wrong place. (Then it hurts like hell until you can readjust.)
Toes, big nail has turned purple, doesn’t hurt anymore. (Now just need to wait for it to fall off and new one to grow in.)
Safe to get out of bed.

As the great (Future MVP) Singer has stated, once you get things going, the pain kind of goes away. But let’s pause for a moment, you’d think with all the pain that we go through, the injuries and the soreness, we’d just stop. At a certain age you gotta be an adult and make the mature decision to stop putting your body in situations it shouldn’t be in.
We’ve seen what happens to guys that stop playing. They get old. Really really quickly. They have the same pain, and even worse, regret.
Every year there is the famed Vets Rooks game. The question many have is “Am I a Vet yet?” (No one asks, “Can I still be a rook?” except for MK) To be labeled a Jewball Vet is to be accepted into a pantheon of dedicated diehards and derelicts. We know that once you are in the Jewball family, you will never rarely be asked to leave. As this season has shown more than ever, we come together and support each other on and off the field. Once you become a veteran, it means you gave something to the game, something more than a dollar for spray paint. As a matter of fact, I don’t recall money ever being asked for or requested. When something is needed, guys step up and offer.  You give your time, energy and pain. You figure out a way to have your wives, girlfriends, families be ok with you leaving every Sunday morning for 2-3 hours. I know for me, I have given up my right to complain. If I get hurt, don’t bring the pain home. Suck it up and take whatever meds you need to.
Being a vet means teaching the younger generation what it takes to survive. You need to teach the younger generation that we are here to have fun, here to play competitive football, here to bring it every single down. But we also need to be able to go back home and carry on our mundane non-jewball aspects of life. We need to go to work tomorrow, we need to be able to help with our kids, we need to be able to function. So, some of you rooks need to learn how to flag grab, you need to learn that if it’s not a snow game, you DO NOT TACKLE. You want to stop a run, make a play. But if you go in with the intent to take a man down, the vets will not be happy. Not only are you hurting a player, you are hurting the game. Next, if you get hurt on a play, you take a minute, collect yourself and get back in there. Now, I’m not saying if you get seriously injured, like a ruptured tendon of dislocated patella. Yes, if that happens, sit the hell down. And stay out until you’re healed up.
Watching the video recaps yesterday, the most common thing heard was Jordan yelling “Go down!” “He’s Down” “Get down!” Why would he keep yelling that? I don’t know if he even realized he was doing it. I‘d like to offer a suggestion. Commish has been playing this game longer than 98% of the guys to have ever played Jewball. He has seen the beginning, the middle, the dark and current. He also sees the future. I’d venture to say that the average age of the VETS this season is significantly higher than ever before. Watching guys play tackle is a beautiful and scary thing. It’s fun to watch but players can get injured at any moment. So when J is standing on the sidelines, he is protecting the past and future of Jewball. He wants, needs to see the vets stay healthy, he needs the rooks to stick around. As he has said many times, you need new, young blood for the game to last.
As I contemplate finally getting out of bed, as painful as it will be, I think to myself. The real question if I am a VET or not is something we should all ask ourselves; “Does Jewball need me or do I need Jewball?


For me, Week 17 started on the road between Savannah, Georgia and Baltimore, Maryland. Week 16 had been played and the discussion turned to Week 17, which was supposed to be one of two consecutive (and final) League Games. But snow was in the forecast. A lot of it. Some reports called for 18-22 inches. I made the rookie leadership mistake of throwing in my two cents from a distance. Without seeing or knowing the situation on the ground, I predicted that there would be no game. I had been forced off the road in Baltimore – just 3.5 hours from home – to regroup and see what the storm would bring. It was heavy but not a record breaker. Meanwhile, Week 17 started for Singer about the same time I “unofficially” called off the game. He went from “In J We Trust” to “THE FUQ?” He was right to do so. Even when Jewball was cursed for a few years, it was blessed. Never should we be pessimistic when it comes to Jewball. If this season has proven anything – it is that Jewball transcends obstacles. Notice….I did not say overcomes obstacles. We do that too. But, this season was more than that – this season – we have been transcendent. I will save the sweeping brushstrokes for the final recap, but after a Magical Season and a Miracle Season….2020-2021 has been the Dream Season. Not a dream in the sense that it is some perfect manifestation of our collective fantasy, but a dream in that – it has been – above all else – surreal. We will think back on this season one day and remember all the other-worldly moments….and then say…Wait…Was the one during the pandemic?? And it will be impossible to process the notion. Again…more for later…
But how can I not “tease” the final recap of the season after a Week 17 that saw what we saw on that field? And not just on the field, but in the days leading up to the game and in the hour or so that followed?
In the days leading up to the game, despite reports of Ice Bowls and some “Outs” due to tackle, Singer rounded up some hearty souls – Singer was out of his mind – the chat version of a seizure for a few minutes there – and it was glorious! But the man with the most stickers willed us a game. Again, never underestimate those powerful Jewball vibes. That Jewball transcendence. Did you see it? Did you see the sunshine on Thursday and Friday? Melting that snow – just enough…then more than enough. Did you see the weather reports of rain and freezing temps overnight on Saturday? And where did they go? I don’t know. All I know is – there was no rain. There was nothing. There was Jewball transcendence. 
When I did not think there would be a game, I threw out the idea of a meet up by the field for some kind of pre-Super Bowl drinks and wings. Now, we all know the BBQ mythology with Jewball. We say we will do something – like a BBQ – we never do it. That’s the joke. It’s also the reality. But, reality is out the window amid the Dream Season. What is real? What is a dream? As I watched Kut and PJs and Daveo roll vehicle onto a football field! Taking out tables! And BBQs! And bags of wings they prepared for our bothers! And Logan – vaccinated and raring to go with his match light coals! And Steveo with his tent, z’l. And then O and Legs with beers! And E just to bring LOVE! With the snow falling in pristine waves bestowing the atmosphere with a gleaming coat like an alien landscape. Well….my brothers….I have to ask you – in all seriousness – is this a dream or is this reality?? As I sit there in my chair watching an absolutely terrific football game – full of passion, and skill and intensity – a competiveness, a drive, athleticism and spirit – and Yaron is in the game! Last seen writhing on the floor and out for the season, right? And he is competing and smiling and back where he belongs. And BD is there – my warrior contemporary from the Golden Age who has emerged from a long slumber and joined our ranks once again. And O – my blood and my blood – has agreed to flip the wings that Daveo and Kut made and brought on the grill that Kut brought – cooking on the coals that Logan brought – under the tent that Steveo brought – so that I can watch the end of the game – and out of the white wilderness trudges Legs, squinting and beaming with his mustard ski cap askew – and he hands me a beer. I ask if he has a bottle opener and he replies it is a twist off – alas it is…And we watch our brothers play down to the wire. So, again….I ask you – Is that the stuff of a collective dream or has that been our lived-in reality?
The day itself started appropriately enough with Beast showing up at 8am for a 9am game and wondering where everyone was. The good news was, he was able to check the field and confirm that it was playable for our tackle game. Singer had composed the teams the night before and it looked to be an all-out brawl. Yaron returning to lead his squad of BD, Tom, Kut, MK, Logan, and Beast. He would face off against his young protégé who many are calling the season MVP, Pray, calling signals for Prime, Daveo, Singer, Steveo, PJs, and Storm.
I’ve said it before – I’ll say it again now – there is nothing like the primal thrill of the tackle game. And since we only play it in the snow (and it always seems to be snowing during the game) – it is has an added charge of the cold, and wet, and majesty…combined with the rush of the violence and physicality…and – let us not forget – fun. In other words, the players were really amped up for this one. But none more than Singer. He really was like a giant Siberian husky let out of the house for the first snowfall of the season. He was just elated. His glee and energy were off the charts.
Yaron took ball first and relied heavily on his bruiser Tom, who becomes the ultimate weapon in snow games. It’s like he grows a foot and his reach is everywhere. He is nearly impossible to tackle one on one. Although I missed it, the drive ended with a Logan passing TD. I also missed Pray’s first drive, but I did catch the end of it – a roll out strike to Singer in the back of the endzone. An NFL quality play in my estimation. If there was one guarantee on Sunday, it was – the prettier the play, the less likely I had my camera at the ready.
The nice thing about the field conditions on Sunday in terms of playing the game was that, there was just enough snow to justify tackle, but certainly not enough snow to really limit the routes. Guys were moving at good speeds. You could cut and everything. So while a tackle game always allows for exciting runs and screens, the deep game was still available.
I’m going to ask for PJs to fill in some of the gaps here (or at least round up the Top Plays), but I know that Yaron bounced back with a TD to Tom, which was followed up by a game tying score on a 30 yard jump ball to Singer. Singer then put his stamp on the game by picking Yaron from his 5 on a stupefyingly cool leap from the middle line-backer position where Singer jumped the route and while closing in on the QB, snagged the ball out of the air and in a fluid motion tumbled into the endzone. The crowd lost their minds. Yaron was down 3-2 and Singer was off to a phenomenal start.
At this point I was told to start getting the tailgate ready. Off I went. That’s when O showed up and helped me figure out the apparatus that Kut brought, because….y’know….simply bbqing like a pedestrian is beneath him. Don’t worry, I got the last laugh by leaving a burning coal on his table and putting a hole in it.
So what happened while I was prepping? Well, I know Daveo scored for Pray. And Beast for Yaron. I believe Daveo’s score gave Pray a 1 TD lead with 5 minutes left on the clock. But, the ball had popped! Someone else can explain that. It had something to do with Tom. Steveo quickly replaced the ball and Yaron drove the field to keep the game going – and he did score! How?? I don’t know! I was manning the Q. I do know that everyone wanted to keep playing, regardless of the perfectly cooked wings waiting for them. Pray was given a “last-licks” drive to win the game in regulation. And he did so. This I saw. Some runs by Pray and finally a swing out to Prime with Singer lead blocking.  A score to win it for MVPray and what I was told was an absolutely epic game. Plus no injuries! Those who played get the memories. The rest of us get to be jealous. It sure looked like a special experience to be out there.
Jewball is to Singer – who owned this dream within a dream from start to finish. From the initial chat-insistence that the game will be played, to the 3 scores – to the lead blocking that sealed the W. He was also flying around making tackles like a fiend. He displayed every single quality that we want a Jewballer to emulate. The positive energy plus the superior talent on the field. Singer, one of the most wholly-earned Jewballs we have ever given out. It comes with our appreciation for you efforts this past week.
And what of the tailgate? Did it come off well? Enough food? How was it? How were PJ’s poppers? How were the wings (and shout to B-sh for releasing his secret recipe for our benefit)? How was it seeing BD finally making eggs? I mean….again…and again….and again….this season has blurred the lines between what is real and what isn’t. Our unity under that tent in the snow just confirmed it. The smell of smoke stuck to my jacket once again confirmed it. Jewballers, we are living a dream. May it continue. Who wants Week 18?

Week 16 Recap

A PJ’s perspective… Another really cold Sunday but as we all arrived for This weeks games, many were very confused. Did Gronk convince, piss off, then bond with Jordan in the games being cancelled due to cold weather? Did Gronk successfully get himself out of the games? Would Gronk even play in these games? Even though he said “OUT”. Was Yaron really coming back? Well I’ll let the story begin. 

Yaron made very compatible teams this week. Very impressed with his matchups. Game 1 featured Feit in colors with his FC teammates Mighty and Beast along with Prime, Tabak, Big O, and Sam versus The “enigma” Gronk and his top Cronie Goldberg, along with front runners for MVP in Pray and Storm, Mr. Jewball himself Kut, Held, and PJ’s. Game time temps were 18 degrees but no wind and no sun. 

Feits club got the ball first and they were ready to roll. Feit hits Beast and Mighty for a couple of nice gains. But an errant throw down the field is picked off by Pray. Gronk thinks he’s ready to roll but he throws a pick as well right back to Feit. Was this going to be another defensive grind of a game?? Prime says get me the ball and Feit throws it over Held for a beautiful first score. Gronk gets the ball back and he wants to spread the rock around. His best attribute as QB is that he wants everyone to touch the ball. And so he drives his Team down the field, hits PJ’s on a perfect over the shoulder pass in the end zone for a 30 yard TD and we are all tied up. Couple of stalled drives by both teams and then offense really comes on. Feit hits Tabak on a 50 yard run a catch only for Tabak to run out of bounds. Feit then goes on a QB run for a 20 yard TD and regains the lead. Gronk drives it back down the field and hits Kut on a nice 10 yard TD screen to tie it back up. Feit drives it back and hits Mighty for a TD. Gronk responds and hits Pray on 90 yard catch and run. We are all tied at 3. Feit is not deterred and drives them down the field once again, this time he finds beast who breaks some tackles and ends up in the end zone. Up 4-3 with 20 minutes remaining Gronk goes in hurry up mode. Drives the team down the field and somehow hits Goldberg between two defenders for a TD. Goldberg lost his Fanny pack but held on to the ball. Feit wants to win and beat Gronk his teammate on FC. No QB controversy on the front runners for the chip. But he forgets that a certain Bird is watching and waiting. Pray picks off Feit. Gronk then finds Pray for the game winning TD. Game over 5-4 Gronk. 

Jewball game 1 should go to Pray. 2 TD’s receptions and 2 picks. Gronk is honorable mention  who played a very solid QB,  threw 5 TD’s and 1 pick. 

Game 2 this week almost didn’t happen, signups were lacking but Yaron got his main squeeze and fellow 193 Compadre in Solo to sign up. Then he got Danny in as well. Ivry signed up and we were all good to go!! 

Yaron has been praying for his return to happen ever since he got hurt. To be serious for a second. Yaron is not just an amazing QB but he has brought great talent to Jewball, he made us website. He also Keeps track of stats for Mighty, and brought the controversial league into Jewball life. He’s done a lot for Jewball. Outside of Jordan our Commish there aren’t too many dedicated people like Yaron. I personally was happy to see him back. Which is why I offered to play D. We all know my talent level isn’t anywhere near Yaron but we need him healthy for himself and for better football. An argument can be made that he shouldn’t of played this week and he should keep resting, but that was his call. 

Yaron lined up with Gronk, Beast, Solo, Ivry, Salem, and Danny. PJ’s was Defense for Yaron. Vs Pray with Some of his birds, Prime and Goldberg along with Ross, Storm, Kut, and Whisky. Yaron started the game with some handoffs and short throws but this led to stalled drive. Pray was using his talent and moving down the field. Pray fakes a run and finds a wide open Whisky who catches and runs for a 40 yard TD. 1-0 Pray. Yaron knows he got talent. So he looks towards Gronk who tries to one hand a throw that lands in his teammates Ivrys hands and he’s off to the races and we are tied up. Ivry picks off Pray on the next drive inside the 20. Yaron showing some rust stalls out at 3 yard line. Pray utilizes Ross and finds him deep and he’s off to the races and takes the lead back 2-1. Yaron answers driving his team down the field. Hits Ivry on a beautiful 30 yard sideline bullet to Ivry and then Finds Salem who makes a diving catch keeping the ball off the ground at the 10 yard line. Yaron bullets it in Gronk. We are tied back at 2. Pray isn’t deterred. The man defense set up by Yaron’s team is just no match. Pray decides to take matters into his own hands and out runs everyone for a long TD run. Yaron answers though with strike to Beast. We are all tied. You know it’s strange that Storms name hasn’t been mentioned much today well he missed a few interception opportunities but he was laser focused on offense. Pray finally finds Storm in the end zone to take a 4-3 lead. Yaron stalls out. Kuts and Whiskeys pressure finally does some damage. Pray wants to end this game at 11:05 and so he drives his team down the field and hits a wide open Goldberg for a 50 yard catch and touchdown. Yaron isn’t ready to go down like that. He gets the ball and is ready to drive. Unfortunately Whisky gets hurt taking down Beast on first down catch. PJ’s come in. Yaron is forced into a 4th and long and is sacked by PJ’s to end the game. Tough loss for Yaron but it’s just great to see that gunslinger out there. 

Game 2 Jewball should go to Pray as well. 4 TD passes and rushing TD as well. Kut had 2 sacks as an honorable mention.