Month: December 2019

Week 6 Recap

Do a little late night recap of Sunday. Or try to. I dont know if what happens in Vegas stays there, but seemed to have done a decent memory wipe. I remember first and foremost that Tabak no showed. So boo. Lucky for us @⁨Shalom Prager Football⁩ and @⁨E(ffie) Perry Allman⁩ were willing to stay. I think Sholom had his belt on still….so that decided it. He played with Yaron. He should have known from experience that would result in a loss.


. Truth is…Yaron looked good. He was throwing darts in warm ups. He was loose. He just came off an OT loss to Prager. He was due. But then there came this


. Brother of Socks. A kid. 24. But the guy is just a total


. Runs a huddle like a MAN. Total calm presence like all good QBs. Confident. Just a gem. We are in our golden age of QBs. First drive of the game is capped by a dandy of a Willie Mays style grab in the endzone by Goldberg. Colors was playing man to start the game and it just wasnt working. Completely unflustered by the quick punch in the face by dark….Frog completes pass after pass. Methodical take what they give you $#!&. Legs. Storm. Run a little. Beast almost sack. The worst almost I have ever scene but great pass by Frog while wrapped up. And just like that,  Legs on a cross and he picks up speed after the catch. Runs nearly across the width of the field to evade defenders. We are knotted at 1. Colors is confused on defense again (a ball magically penetrates through Jordan’s hand like it is a ghost) and Yaron puts up another point. Two possessions. 2 scores. Things are looking good for Dark. After failing to move the ball, Yaron takes over and begins to orchestrate a drive. At about midfield his Achilles heal is exposed. The misjudgment. The errant throw. Not seeing the defender. The backbreaking pick. Frog zips into the lane and steals one from the sky. A few plays later he keeps and runs down the left hash mark to tie the game. Colors ball. On a 3rd long, its Frog to Jordan on a sliding catch, pop up and run for 72 yards. I believe Legs gets the call to punch it in. 3-2 Colors. Yaron – totally still in the game – drives the field and gets down to the 5. Hits Salem in the chest, ball pops up, Brody picks it and that was where Yaron realized he might just lose again. It was the second dropped ball in the endzone. The other was a tough jump ball between Goldberg and Sholom (yeah, same team). After the pick by Brody, Frog deep bomb to Jordan catch and run for 86 yards. Tom got the call this time to finish the job from the TE position and the 4-2 lead holds. Frog over Yaron. Even though Jordan had his best game in a long while in both flag pulling and play making (@⁨Josh Dobkin⁩….you know I “blocked” you on that


TD run) we live in a world of stats. And Frog had em. The pick. The 3 thrown scores. The running score. The great leadership. You get yourself a Jewball, sir.

WEEK 6 Rosters

Early Game – 8am

Team Dark:

Yaron, Froggy, Johnnystorm, Ari, Goldberg, Singer, Sam


Team Color:

Prager, Prime, Beast, Tom, Effie, Kut, Mighty

Late Game – 945am

Team Dark:

Yaron, Tabak, Dobs, Goldberg, Beast, Salem, Prime


Team Color:

Froggy, Tom, Jordan, Brody, Brodybro, Johnnystorm, Ari